Pietro: Body Guard of a K9

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Pietro loved to run, scratch that he lived to run. Going so fast the world was just a blur and he was just a blur to the world. So it would be an understatement that he was upset that he couldn't run, he had been on the Barton's farm for about a month and was recovering very well but he still wasn't aloud to run and that was wearing on his patients.

Walk they told him, you don't what to push it and hurt yourself more do you?

So walk he did, he would walk for miles and miles hoping he could run the next morning but every time he was disappointed. That's what he was doing now, the air was a bit crisp giving the sign that fall was on its way and summer was drawing to a close.

Pietro sat on a rock on the top of a hill, his eyes traveled out over the planes. So much rolling hills and all you would have to do is turn your head slightly to see deep forests. Pietro slide down the rock and laid on his back in the grass, his mind was a runaway train at the moment but it was a sound that brought him out of his daze. A sound you are told to fear, a sound you think you will never hear.

Rattling. Pietro dared to move his head just a bit and not a foot away was a huge rattle snake. It was a dark black with bright eyes and Pietro could see it's tail moving just slighting making the ominous sound. His blood ran cold, his heart picked up, his mouth went dry. Fear courses through him, Clint had told him to be careful of snakes but he hadn't thought he would see any let alone a rattlesnake!

Pietro dared to move just a bit but the sound of the rattle picked up more and more as he did so accompanied by a terrifying hiss from the creature. It was going to bite him, he had to think fast, could he risk running? It might be his only hope, he took a breath and took off he didn't even get a foot when his stitches ripped and the rattling took over his ears. His shut his eyes tight waiting for the bite....but it never came.

Pietro was started when a horrible growl split the air, he looked over to where the snake had been and now it was a mini dust storm as something and the snake were locked in combat. It had been a dry summer making it hard to see what was fighting the snake with all the dust, in fact there was so much dust it was making him cough.

 It had been a dry summer making it hard to see what was fighting the snake with all the dust, in fact there was so much dust it was making him cough

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When the dust settled he got a good look at whatever had saved his life. Standing there with a dead snake in its mouth was a...dog? At least he thought it was a dog, it was on the skinnier side but it was still big, it had longer shaggy fur. He couldn't make out the color as he was covered in mud, dust and dried blood. It's eyes were a deep brown and it had a long snout, he couldn't help but wonder if this wild dog was going to be more trouble then the snake but to his surprise the dog dropped the snake and limped over to him. The dog was hurt?

Pietro watched as the dog laid down next to him whining and pushing him with his wet nose. With a shaking hand his carefully strokes the dogs head causing the beasts tail to wag.

"Thanks buddy...you saved me..." The dogs eyes seemed to dance in delight at the praise and curled closer to him. "I know this is crazy...and I shouldn't be talking to a dog but...I can't move...go to the house get Clint...hurry." Pietro felt like he was in an episode of Lassie when he talked to the dog but it was his only hope and much to his astonishment the dog tenderly licked his face then took off running.

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