Peter Parker: Protective Big Brothers

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Slight spoilers for NWH, if you haven't seen it please do it was incredible.


Peter's life had been crazy since he had been bit by that spider all those years ago. It felt like a lifetime ago now. But that was nothing compared to the hell he had been going through since Beck had outed him to the whole world. Police reports and being arrested and Mr. Murdock defending him, he was a strange but skilled lawyer. But it didn't end after the charges were dropped, none of this ended it just got worse. Phones always in his face and people protesting him and throwing things at him and his family and friends. This was a nightmare he couldn't seem to wake from, Ned and MJ helped but there was only so much they could so with all of this craziness going on. What's even worse was they were both going to be gone for a week leaving Peter all by himself to deal with this insanity.

"I could stay, my grandpa would understand." Peter couldn't stop the sad smile that tugged on his lips at hearing MJ's voice. God he loved her, he let his eyes slide open looking up at her. They were on the school's roof again, it was quiet up here and it was one of the few places that Peter actually felt safe. He wasn't sure if he even felt safe at Happy's apartment, no where felt safe. It was like he was always buzzing inside with anxiety that the other shoe was about to drop. MJ was snapping her fingers in front of his face again, oh right she had said something about staying.

"No MJ you have been looking forward to this for months, I will be fine I am Spiderman after all." She rolled her eyes at him but her face was still just as serious, she was not going to let him just brush past this.

"Peter, I know how hard this has been and I know me and Ned have been like your only support so if you need me to stay I can." He leaned up and kissed her, she huffed into his mouth as he curled his fingers into her mess of curls. Always as wild and free as she was, her hair like a reflection of his spirit. Okay maybe he needed to lay off the romcoms, he was making parallels between her spirit and hair. He pulled back and let his forehead rest on hers, soaking in the small comfort it brought before he spoke.

"I know and I will miss you like crazy but this is a small chance for you to experience some normal, I want that for you and Ned hasn't seen these members of his family in years and besides how could I tell him not to go soak up the sun on the beaching freaking Hawaii?" MJ laughed and laid next to him again, wrapping herself next to him and he couldn't be more grateful for her. He would be fine, she had earned a break and he would make it a point to be okay, he had to be...for both of them.


He was not okay, this was a bad idea, no this was the worst idea on the face of the earth. It almost made him want to be dust again, well no but being far away might be nice. Ned had left two days prior and MJ had left last night. He had put on his brave face and convinced her he was going to be okay and he almost believed it himself. Though what he had forgotten maybe on purpose was he hadn't been a fan of tight spaces since he had a warehouse fall on him. No lets be honest here he hated them with a bright burning passion. Apparently that stomach twisting fear had translated to not liking being boxed in by people.

Peter had thought he had gotten used to the crowds but when he went into school he had MJ there holding his hand. Which made him feel like a child but the small grounding touch was enough to keep him calm until they got inside the building. Ned was always behind him and it made him feel safe, but they weren't here. He walked into school alone and there were still troves of people waiting outside, the police kept them back but they were still so loud. Classes slide by and Peter kept his head down and his hood up, he felt overwhelmed and that made him want to curl into a ball and cry like a baby.

Marvel Comic Whump/sick ficsजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें