Pietro: Good to be Alive...can I go now?

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Agony. That was the first thing Pietro felt when he started coming to, so much pain everywhere, he just wanted it to stop. He cried out for it to stop, then he felt something other then the burning agony, a hand. Strong but very gentle, someone was talking to him but he couldn't make it out, everything sounded garbled in his ears. But it was soft and soothing and ever so slowly Pietro calmed down enough for the pain to slip away even if it was for a moment.


The next time Pietro became coherent the pain was still there but he managed to keep himself in check this time. There was this irritating beeping sound making his head hurt even more. His lips were so dry it hurt to move them, he just wanted a drink, he wanted the pain to stop, was that so much to ask?

It took everything he had but he forced his heavy eyelids open, he regretted it as soon as he did. The room was a blinding white and reeked of bleach and hand sanitizer, making his already uneasy stomach churn.

His turn his head to the left, a large window covered the wall showing the world outside, the leaves were starting to grow back as spring was just around the corner. With great effort he turned his head to the right and what he saw there shocked him even more. For sitting in a hospital chair, his feet resting on a stool his eyes on a book he was reading was none other then the Hawk himself. Barton, if Pietro remembered correctly.

Pietro made a gasping sound and Barton's eyes were on him in seconds. His sharp eyes running over the sight of the injured silver haired speedster. "Well look who decided to wake up, how you feeling?" Barton's voice was just as sarcastic as before but there was something different about it, it was....softer and more gentle as the archer made his way to his bedside.

Pietro tries to return with a snarky comment of his own but when he tried his voice turned into a cough that sent a spasm of pain through his healing form. Barton moved so fast Pietro would've missed it if he hadn't been watching him. Pietro felt a firm but so gentle hand at the base of his neck, (odd this hand felt familiar) and oddly comforting. Barton moved slowly as he eased Pietro's head up just enough as he used his other hand to put a cup to Pietro's chapped lips. Pietro drank greedily and was slightly perturbed when Barton pulled the glass back.

"Easy shotgun, you're going to make yourself sick doing that." Pietro gave a slight nod, his eyes closing again. Why did he hurt so much? Why was the archer here? And why was he being so nice to him? Pietro couldn't remember as a million questions shot through his brain. The last thing he remembered was flying to stop Ultron then...WANDA! He almost shot up and out of bed though he wouldn't have gotten far, Barton was there to hold him in place.

"Hey hey HOLD YOUR HORSES! You're okay, Wanda is okay she's with the team training, now keep still will you?" Barton's voice was firm leaving no room for argument, Tony called it his Dad voice.

"W-where...am I?" Pietro's voice shook with the pain he felt, he was scared but wouldn't say so.

"Avengers base in upstate New York buddy, you've been out cold in a coma for over 2 months, it's spring time." Barton said moving slowly so he could sit on the bed by Pietro near his hip.

"Wanda?" His voice was so small he hates it, he was 17! He had to be strong he wasn't a weak boy anymore...but yet he felt weak and small and it was then for the first time in years he wished his dad was there.

"She's been in here for a while but she wanted to be a Avenger and training started 2 weeks ago, I said I'd keep an eye on you." It was then Pietro felt the gentle movement of the archer rubbing his arm soothingly, like a father would a son, but that couldn't be Barton hates him.

"Am I?....will I?" Pietro didn't know how to ask what he wanted to, his world turned upside down by it.

"You'll be just fine, you're very lucky to be alive but you're a stubborn ass so here you are." Barton said as he reached for something.

"I will...run again?" Pietro was so scared of the answer to that question, if he couldn't run he would die inside.

"Not for a while but yeah once you've healed up you will be able to go all Speedy Gonzales on everyone." Barton said pulling out his phone.

"What's.....what's going to happen to me?" Pietro asked knowing he should be in jail.

"That's up to you and-..hey! Stop picking at that." Barton grabbed Pietro's stray arm that was going down to pick at his stomach. Barton eased the hand back onto the bed.

Pietro didn't know what to think, he knew how this worked once he was safe to move around they would ask him to leave the hospital and he wouldn't be in any shape to fight with the team where would he go? What would he do? Fear ran over him in waves coupled with the agony he was in he felt his eyes start to burn with unshed tears.

"Hey now what's wrong? Are you in pain? What's the matter?" Pietro looked up at the archer, his eyes were so soft and kind that it made Pietro want to cry all the more.

"What's going to happen to me?..." It was like a light flipped in Barton's brain, like he suddenly understood what was really wrong. Barton ran his hand through the silver hair of the super powered teen, stroking it back ever so gently. It felt so nice and comforting that Pietro couldn't help but calm down just a bit.

"I'll take care of it, don't worry about it understand me? All you need worry about is healing got it shotgun?" Pietro didn't understand why he was doing this but he was to weak to care at that moment. He just nodded and let his head slip back ever so slowly. As his eyes were closing he felt Barton slip some earphones into his ears and an unfamiliar tune rang into his ears.

'I think I found my hallelujah! It's good
To be alive right bout now!'

Pietro couldn't help but grin a bit as he fell into a restful sleep, he felt save with the Hawk keeping guard while he slept. For the first time in he didn't know how long he didn't have to be the strong one keeping watch. He could relax and sleep and sleep he did, as songs like 'good to be alive' 'fight song' and 'roar' played in his ears. Yes it was good to be alive...but when could he leave this hospital?


HELLO! So most people know I hate the fact that Pietro was killed off! HATE IT! So he's alive in my book

Isn't the pic cute?! I love DaddyHawk with the twins and the song is

Good to be Alive by Andy Grammer!

Who doesn't love this song? It's so damn catchy!

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