Loki: Hero or a Villain

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Hero...Villain...war and pain. Love and kindness. So very different things and yet the line seemed to be blurred so often, Loki didn't know what he wanted anymore. What he wanted to do or how he wanted to act he had seen his brother change and yet he couldn't help but ask himself if he wanted to change.

His whole life has been lies, everything about him had been lies. And Loki would never say so but that has hurt...cut him to the core hurt. A new kind of pain that tore him up inside and Thanos had only filled his hatred and lust for power and revenge.

He had been locked up for a long time before Odin had been badgered by Frigga to be given another chance. Odin striped him of his power and sent him to Midgard to be watched by his brother and the Avengers.

Loki hated it, hated all of it. Hated being watched like a bug and looked down upon like a child. It took months for him to gain some trust of his older brother who was trying far too hard to be friends again. Once he had some trust he was left alone for short periods of time while his brother avenged and all of that.

Loki spent the treasured time alone to read and just enjoy the silence, to put simply Thor was loud. Now a year had past and Loki was aloud walks alone around New York and was even given small bit of his magic back for good behavior.

He could make small force fields and small amount of healing powers but that was all and if he used it too much it gave him a horrible headache.

So that morning when Thor left to go hangout with his beloved earth girl Loki decided he would go for a walk. Just around New York, he could walk as much as he liked as long as he got him by dark and if he couldn't he would call Thor and say why...because he had gotten lost once but he would never say so.

Loki had on dark jeans and an emerald tee shirt, black boots and his hair tied behind him. He had his hands deep in his pockets as he walked looking around, it was a nice day at 72° it wasn't too hot or too cold.

Loki was deep in thought so he didn't notice when he accidentally wondered into Stark Tower it that he was on the 5th floor. How he did that was beyond him, he also didn't notice it was oddly quiet in the tower.

All of a sudden he heard a groan from the building then it shook and blew up. A bong had gone off causing the building to tremble with the force of it. It knocked Loki back and he was just able to get himself in a force field before he hit the wall. But not all the way and couldn't  hold it for long, he blacked out as he hit his head.


Loki woke slowly his eyes cracking just slightly, the world around him was tilted to the side from his spot on the floor or what was left of it.
Everything was covered in ash or dust and he choked as he tried to push himself to his feet. Pain shot up his side and leg causing honk gasp, he hadn't felt pain like this before in a long time.

So he rolling onto his back very VERY slowly and winced as he did so. What happened? He didn't know and cursed in many ancient languages that not many knew. He leaned on the wall and took stock of his surroundings, the  floor he was on was tipped to the side and as it seemed all the exits were also blocked. Oh how wonderful, spat his sarcastic mind, just when he had started to take a fancy to this place.

Loki planned on sulking for a least 20 more minutes before he did anything but his thoughts were cut off by a groan. Making the God of mischief turn his head sharing making his head spin, oh yeah he had hit his head he had forgot about that.

Loki looked more carefully around and then saw a lump of a body pinned under a desk. The groaning was growing slightly louder that it sounded almost like a whimper. Now the old Loki would've turned away and done nothing but now....he didn't know what to do. Whoever that was sounded in pain and for some reason it made Loki antsy and he hated it.

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