Clint Barton: Bullet Wound

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Clint got called in, he didn't want to but he knew his team needed him. He left Laura, Cooper Lila and Piero and little Nate on the farm and flew back to the base in upstate New York.

He got there just as Steve was giving his speech on what the plan was, seemed a simple enough mission. There was a small town in Iceland and some gun bangers were running guns through there, he was called in for this? It was when Steve said this guys were AIM Clint snapped to attention, if those guys were involved that was bad.

"Okay here is how this is going down, Sam and Rhodey you are our eyes and ears keep an eye on everything. Wanda you and Clint are going to hit the first warehouse while me and Natasha hit the second, Bucky and Vision will go after the third if ANYONE has any problems you call it in, understand?" Steve was in full on Captain mode so it made it all the more funny when Bucky said.

"Only if you get that stick out your ass." Clint snorted a laugh when Steve turned red and glared at Bucky, making Sam laugh.

"Alright Avengers lets mount up!"


Wanda was nervous, this was her first mission other then Ultron and she was glad she had been paired with Clint. She talked to Pietro almost every night and she knew the archer wanted them to be apart of his family and that Pietro was already in it. Clint was the reason she had been brave enough to get back out in the field and fight Ultron, so as she sat next to him as they approached their drop zone she couldn't help but stay closer to him. He knew what he was doing and was always so calm it set her mind at ease, so when he stood and put on his chute she did as well.

"You ready?" Clint asked her and she gave him a kurt nod, she was as ready as she was ever going to be. So out they jumped, the wind whipping her hair as they hurtled towards the earth so far below. Clint landed first, quickly getting rid of his chute. Wanda hit the ground next, she struggled to keep her footing and nearly hit the dirt if Hawkeye hadn't got her. He put his finger to his lips, telling her to be quiet as they moved forward to the old building. Clint going in first as they approached the door, Wanda knew Clint was a spy but she didn't know how silent a spy really was.

No matter how hard she tried she couldn't hear him move thought the field, couldn't hear him breath in fact the only reason she knew he was there was because she could see him.

Clint held his hand out behind him, signaling her to stop. Wanda stopped dead in her tracks, her eyes glowed red as her powers sought out other minds. She could feel a few but they were so weak minded they didn't even know she was probing.

Clint notched an arrow, moving forward in silence. He grabbed a guy by the neck and quickly silenced him, Wanda using her powers to knock out the other.

The two of them made quick progress into the next room, there was large crates with unknown writing all over them.

"Jack pot, Cap we might have something." Clint said touching his ear piece as he hurried of to the crates. Wanda follow him close behind, she didn't know why but she had an uneasy feeling deep in her gut. It wasn't until Clint was about to open the crate that it flared.

"Clint don't! It's a bomb!" Clint yanked his hand back, he hasn't set it off thankfully but before Wanda could say anything there was a bang from a gun. Wanda leapt forward shielding Clint and her self, then the bomb went off. The blast throwing them back Wanda only just able to keep her force field up, then she blacked out.


Smoke and dust, that's all Clint could see as he coughed. Well that didn't go very well at all, how could he have not seen another man in the building and Wanda not sensed him? Unless it had been a drone a damn drone!

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