Pietro Hates the Woods

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Pietro hated the woods, yup he hated it with a burning passion and he didn't care who said he was silly for it.

Now I know what you are thinking, what caused this sudden and rash hate of the earths forests?

Well it's a long story but that's why you're here right?

It all began on Pietro's first mission with the Avengers...and like all missions do it went south very fast...

"Pietro? Come on shotgun time to wake up." Pietro groaned, he didn't want to wake up it was far too early for anyone to be up and about. He felt Clint keep shaking him, he was tired he wasn't getting up.

"Come on YA punk mission time, get your lazy ass up or I will drag you out of bed or I will pour cold water on you." Pietro sat up with a grunt, rubbing his eyes.

"I'm up.....I'm up..." Clint laughed and ruffled his hair making him make a noise of protest.

"Oh you look up and alive, get dressed brief is in 15." Pietro nodded and Clint left him to get ready, Pietro glanced at his clock. It read 5:30am making him groan all the more. Why did bad guys have to do stuff so freakin' early?

He dragged himself out of bed, making his way to his new mission suit Stark had made for him. Everyone has made it a point to make sure his suit was bulletproof. He pulled it on using his super speed he make very quick work of it. After he was suited up he dashed downstairs making just as Steve was walking through the door in his Star Spangled glory.

Pietro looked around, eyeing the other heroes. Natasha was talking softly in Russian to Barnes while Bruce and Tony were having a heated debate about whether or not some science thing had to do with another science thing. Is eyes traveled more and he saw Rhodey and Sam were also taking their seats talking in hushed voices. Wanda was standing off to the side talking with Vision and there was Clint sitting at the table twirling a drumstick in his fingers. Where he got those was beyond Pietro but he dashed over to him taking his spot next to the archer.

Pietro felt a gentle pat on his back from the purple clad avenger making Pietro smile. Clint was becoming more and more like his father and that warmed Pietro to his core. Steve then took his spot at the end of the table making the chit chat calm in a second. The room going silent for their leader waiting for their orders.

"We got trouble, Hydra and AIM have teamed up and have been located in the middle of nowhere in Canada." Steve said tapping the map, Bucky and Sam leaning forward to get a better look.

"What we looking at?" Bucky asked eyeing the map closely, everyone knew how he get about Hydra and no one ever dared say anything about it to him. Everyone also knew how Tony felt about AIM making it a double whammy for the team.

"From the looks theres a bunch of camps scattered around a 200 mile radius, we will have to split up but they're small camps so shouldn't be a problem." The team nodded Natasha eyeing the plans before them.

"What's the teams Cap?" The rest looked up trying to see what the plan would be.

"Falcon you're with Barnes, Natasha you and Clint are together in this one, Vision your with Wanda, Bruce your with Thor and Rhody you're with Tony and Pietro your with me." Everyone nodded and went to grab their gear, Pietro felt his stomach clench. Every mission he had been on so far either Wanda or Clint was always close by. The two of them very good and keeping him focused and calm.

It was then he wished Hero was here, his overly large wolf dog was back home on the farm after he had gotten a surgery on his leg after some jerk has hit him with a bat. Pietro had come very close to losing his cool that day.

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