Steve: Your a stupid idoit

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A/N okay so I absolutely love Steve and Bucky's friendship! They are Like brothers and I can't get enough of it, this just popped into my head! Steve did his self sacrificing thing on a mission and Bucky is not happy about it and this is what happens, LOTS OF BROTHERLY FLUFF! Enjoy! 😘


"You're a idiot...that was a stupid bone headed move and you know it." Bucky was standing next to Steve's chair as he struggled to get his shirt off as he was getting ready for bed. It had been a simple mission get the hostages and get out but of course Steve had to do his lone wolf stupid hero crap and hurt himself.

"He would've killed that girl." Steve says defending himself, they were on his floor of Avengers tower and Bucky was very mad at him, so much so he had stormed down here
to give him a ear full.

"I had the guy in my sights! But noooo! You had to go all Rambo!" Steve clenched his jaw as he fought with the shirt, Bucky had long since got most of his memories back and he had gone back to the big brother that was far too overprotective.

"I'm fine Buck." Steve said giving up on getting his shirt off and decides he'll just sleep in his jeans and old shirt.

"No YOUR fine isn't a normal persons fine, let me see your shoulder." Bucky said plainly, his voice leaving no room for argument.

"Bucky-..." Steve started but was cut off by the death glare Bucky sent him, Steve sighed it was like he was 15 again and Bucky was fixing him up after a bully knocked him around.

"Now Steve." Bucky said eyeing him with that death glare that could melt steel. Steve nodded and started to try and get his shirt off again but Bucky groaned, "For the love of god and all thats holy, hold still." Steve went still as Bucky carefully helped him with the shirt off, Steve bit his lip to keep from hissing in pain as his shoulder was moved around. Once the shirt was off Bucky got a good look at his busted left shoulder, it wasn't broken or dislocated which was good but his whole left shoulder was a sickening black, blue and yellow and looked very painful.

"Jesus Steve." Bucky swore under his breath softly enough so that Steve wouldn't hear, he always gave him a hard time for his mouth.

"Looks worse then it is." Steve mumbled, Bucky cock an eyebrow and poked his shoulder causing Steve to yelp pulling away from him.

"Yeah looks worse my ass." Bucky walked over to the fridge grabbing a couple gel ice packs. He came back over and handed one to Steve, "Put that are your head." Steve obeyed placing the pack on the bruise on his right temple while Bucky went back to look at his shoulder again. "This is going to hurt a bit." Bucky said as he pressed the ice on his shoulder, Steve couldn't stop the slight groan that slide from his lips.

"Ease up will YA?" Steve said through gritted teeth, doing his best not to yank back away from his friend.

"That's what you get for being a dumb ass and trying to hold up 3 beams." Bucky snapped, he was still angry at him, he's lost him once he wouldn't lose the only family he had again.

"T-Thought I could hold em'." Steve's Brooklyn accent coming through when he was in pain, it also came in thick when he got flustered which is why Bucky loved to see Steve try to talk to girls.

"Well you're not made of vibranium." Bucky seethed pressing a bit harder then he intended to causing Steve to grip the arm of the chair with the wave of pain. "'re still a idiot..." Bucky mumbled as he was slightly more gentle then before.


"Punk." Bucky smiled a bit Before he spoke again, "come on punk you are going to see Dr. Banner."

"I don't need to see Bruce, I can just sleep it off." Steve said with no intention of moving from his chair.

"I don't care YOU are going to see Banner and that's final!" Bucky was starting to get very irritated at his friend of 90 plus years.

"I'm not a child stop mothering me." Steve complained.

"Stop doing stupid stuff and I won't have to." Bucky snapped right back, truth be told this was as close to the olden days as it had been since Bucky got his memories back. Steve doing something dumb to help someone and getting his ass kicked and the two of them fighting over his well being.

"You have all the stupid remember." Steve said with a glint in his eyes.

"Shut up punk." Bucky grumbled with no real venom in his words. With a huff Steve stood and almost toppled over again, he was just so tired. Bucky caught him before any real harm could be done and decided that maybe Bruce coming here would be a better idea. With a gentle ease he set Steve on the bed, he did look tired.

"Where you goin'?" Steve said as his Brooklyn accent came in thicker.

"I'm going to get Banner, YOU are going to stay there and not move." Steve just nodded, man he must be beat if he's not picking a fight about this.


Steve bite his lips to keep the pained grunt from escaping his mouth. Bruce was gentle but his hands were rough as he moved his injured shoulder.

"Not broken or dislocated thankfully just a very serious bruising, couple days rest and you should be good as new." Bruce said gently

"Uh huh." Steve murmured, one thing that sucked about being a super soldier was no pain meds worked on him leaving him to deal with the pain of it all. Which was why he was laying on his back now with his eyes screwed shut.

"Thanks doc I'll be make sure he doesn't do anything stupid." Steve heard Bucky say, he almost sounded like the Bucky before. The Bucky before the train and Hydra and all of this mess.

"Good luck with that...he's more stubborn then a mule." Steve heard Bruce chuckle as he walked out of the room leaving the two 40's boys alone. Steve took a shuddering breath as the pain of just breathing racked him over in a wave, Steve felt Bucky's flesh hand move him until he was on his uninjured side easing the pressure from his wounded side.

"Mmmm." He grumbled as Bucky laid a blanket over him.

"Shut up and rest dumb ass, you're the one who wanted to sleep it off." Came Bucky's stern response. Steve knew that was just Bucky being Bucky and he couldn't have been happier.

"Next time....I'll skip on holding up the beams..." Steve said his voice getting thick with sleep as the bone deep wryness caught up to him.

"Uh huh, sure, you big fat liar wait until I tell the kids of the world Captain America is a big fat liar." Bucky said softly as he watched his friend fighting sleep.

"Jerk..." Steve may be a fight but he lost that fight as sleep overcame him and he was out like a light. Bucky smiled to himself and he made sure his friend was comfortable. Ice in place, lots of blankets and a cup of water for when he woke up.

"Punk." He muttered to himself caught back to a time so very long ago. One where Steve was smaller and things were simpler. One thing hadn't changed and probably would never change. Steve was a stupid idiot, a self sacrificing, stubborn, biggest heart of a man there was, idiot. And Bucky was proud to call him a brother, sure he drove him crazy with worry but he was his little brother...its in the job description.


Well? I hope you all liked it as much as I loved writing it!

Bucky and Steve's brother-y-ness I'm truly obsessed with if its not self explanatory

So please vote of U liked it and of not...U could still vote because I'm the RealBlackWidow

love u all so much thank u for ur reads!

Natasha Romanoff 🔫💣🔪

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