Peter Parker; Need a Hand?

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A homecoming Spiderman story from this moment on the Spiderman I shall use is Tom Hollon Spiderman some Peter whump now coming you're way hope you guys enjoy


Peter was so overwhelmed, he didn't know how he was going to keep on doing this. He was operating on next to no sleep he was stressed about school and just life in general. Flash has been more pesky then normal and that didn't help the splitting headache that was pounding at the young heroes temples. He rubbed his head trying to ease the pressure as he sat on the roof of his apparent complex trying to get his homework done with what little light he had left before he went out and protected his little piece of the city.

He didn't feel good, he didn't feel good at all not even a little bit, God his head hurt as his vision swam looking at the words on the page. He slams his book down, shutting it he. Knew there was no way he was going out be able to study anymore so he slipped into his suit and slide his mask on over his face.

"Good evening Peter you seem to be running a slight fever and headache would you like me to alert Mr. Stark?" Came the gentle voice of Karen in his ears, he knew he was probably was too attached to the AI but her voice was calming and kind and sometimes a little sarcastic and silly.

"No Karen not tonight he's in Tokyo for the weekend anyway." Peter leaped into the air and tucked his body inward until at the last second flinging out and hoops web hitting a building as he took off into the fading sun. He lived for this he loved being Spiderman, the rush of the wind and the view of the city down below.

The night was pretty slow a few cat burglars, a few car thieves and a couple of muggers. Nothing to shout about about Peter was okay with that his splitting headache was getting worse and his shoulder ached from where Flash had knocked into him earlier that morning and it didn't help that this was his main arm he used for web slinging. But his quiet night didn't last much longer, a scream hit his ears just as the ground started to tremble.

"Uh Karen?" Peter said unsure of what was going on.

"It seems to be an earthquake, there is a building a block west it's coming down and there are workers inside!" Peter didn't even stop to think as the shaking of the ground died down he leapt into action going as fast as he could seeing a building that was a few stories high and not yet complete. Contraction workings were fleeing the sight but Karen said there were a few trapped inside. He darted inside his lungs choked in efforts dust filled the air, Peter was coughing as he stumbled into the floors. Looking for anyone that may be trapped.

"ANYONE IN HERE?!" Peter yelled as he coughed hard, he found a man out cold and managed to get a pole off of him and drag him out of the place and pass him to EMT'S and darted back in, back and forth and back and forth. For 45 minutes he got people out and tried to help keep the building from collapsing he didn't want to be crushed....again.

He then heard the sirens of the police right as he was dragging the last few people out of the building no knew he needed to split, he leapt into the air and took off web slinging. What he wasn't expecting was the after shock, right as he landed on a lamp post when the ground seemed to buckle and temple and with Peter already pushed past exhaustion and his head tilting already he fell and fell hard hitting his knee on a bench on the way down. He bit back a scream as his knee lit on fire with a painful crunch.

"Peter your knee had sustained injuries and a mild concussion shall I alert Mr Stark?" Came the gentle voice of Karen and maybe a tilt of worry?

"N-no...Karen please don't..." Peter gasped in pain and agony, he shot a web and tried to get onto the top of the building and crashed onto the concrete. He was in so much pain getting scraped up while crashing into the building,, he told Karen again not to tell Tony he was halfway around the world he didn't want to bother him. Peter rolled onto his back and his body screamed in agony, he started to cry with all the pain he was in and he was tempted to call Tony for help but he couldn't bring himself to, couldn't care the judgement and worry on the man's face right no he was so tired he was so so tired and weak and all he wanted to do was sleep and maybe that was why he let himself drink into blackness.

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