Clint: Too Stubborn to Yield

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Clint Barton was a lot of things, he was a father he was an ex agent of Shield and he was Avenger.

Most importantly he was a father, a father to 5 kids. Two of them super powered teens that latched onto him after they had gotten to know him.

But another thing Clint was and is was this, stubborn, he was very bullheaded and refused to back down when he should. He had a mouth to match his stubbornness and the guts to say it. Clint had gotten himself into more trouble for bad mouthing the bad guys.

But what Clint didn't know was that unshakable ground he set himself in would not only save his life but another's life as well.

When Clint is kidnapped and put in a prison that was unlike anything he had ever seen before it will take more then just stubbornness to get him out alive and back to his family and team.

So come join Clint as he fights for survival and to get back home before the prison, the prison guards or the inmates do him in first.


Clint's head hurt, what had happened? Where was he? As he slowly came to he felt thick cuffs binding his arms behind his back making his shoulders stiff. The cuffs tight around his wrists chaffing them but that was the least of his worries.

He couldn't remember, what happened...he remembered getting the call from Steve. He remembered Tony and him fighting over movies on the com.

He remembered Barnes telling them to shut up on the line that they were hurting his ears. Thor had laughed and Natasha had spoken something in Russian.

Then...nothing...blank...complete was then he noticed he was also blindfolded which didn't help since he didn't know where he was in the first place.

He felt huge hands grab him and haul him to his feet, he was struck with a harsh bout of dizziness that would have made him tip over if the hands hadn't been holding him painfully tight.

He was practically being dragged through who knew where, they were pulling him so hard and fast he couldn't get his feet under himself. It was then he felt a gush of air and a foul stench hit his nose that was enough to make him vomit. The blindfold was removed and he was shoved into a metal room with thick cris cross bars and little flouting guns aimed at him.

Some yellow prison garbs as he looked at the very blue people looking down at him.

"Change grunt." Clint didn't move, his hands were no longer bound but he had no plan on being a good little prisoner.

"Change. Now."'the bigger guy said again more firmly and with death in his eyes. Clint still wouldn't move, he wasn't going to move not for anything or anyone. But that was before he got a hard punch to the stomach that was so hard it made me crash into the caged wall. The air was gone and he knew some ribs were broken, he was hauled to his feet and his clothes ripped off of him and stuffed into the yellow prison garb.

He was then picked up by the back of his shirt, he was still reeling from the first blow and now he was thrown into an open area. All kinds of very Star Wars like people in every shape and color. Some with long pointed teeth and some without teeth at all.

Clint cradled his side as he looked around, it was then he saw a very large blue guy coming straight for him.

"Well well....another terren....fresh meat." Clint felt his fists clench, man here five seconds and he's already causing fights.

Clint staggered to his feet and kept his eyes on them as they closed in around him. One of the thugs swung Clint just able to duck out of the way. Again he dodged as another brute aimed for his shoulder, but it was the third that hit his jaw in a hard right cross that almost knocked him out.

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