Peter Parker: Get off of my Back

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Prompt- Peter is stuck under a pile of debris

Requested by StrangeChild09


Peter gasped as he strained on the large beam again. This was a downright mess he had gotten himself into. But to be fair he. Got himself into trouble more often than not. His middle name should be trouble to be completely honest even more so after a certain spider bit him.

Really he did try and listen to Mr. Stark and keep his feet on the ground and that saying wasn't entirely fair either because hello he swung on spider webs he made himself. But yet here he was under who knew how many tons of dirt ash and debris.

His morning had started simple enough, his morning run to get coffee had quickly become something of normalcy to the growing teenage hero. The coffee was what Clint called a 'white girl drink' which was much less coffee as it was creamer. A white caramel macchiato was his newest obsession. But that was beyond the point. As was stated before his morning had started with his run to the closest cafe to get his coffee when the day had taken an even quicker turn for danger.

He had barely had two sibs of his delicious coffee before his spider-sense had gone off like a fire alarm on crack. The ringing so sudden and loud it had caught him off guard causing the port teen to drop his boiling hot drink all over his jeans and shirt. He had swore not so silently under his breath before his head jerked to one side seeing a huge man crashing towards him Or at least maybe he had been a man once but Peter wasn't so sure how human he was anymore but he really couldn't cast stones after all he was called Spider-Man.

But this guy was bigger than an SUV with a dark grey hide that looked like it needed ten gallons of super moisture lotion. A huge horn coming off the top of his head making the rhino look complete. He was yelling and roaring pounding the ground with a huge foot causing the ground below Peter's feet to tremble with the weight of it.

Because of the ruckus, the guy was causing it wasn't hard for Peter to slip unnoticed into an ally and grab his mask. Peter should learn by now that not having much of a plan was never a good idea, well more of a plan beyond his normal 'stop the bad guy from hurting people' plans. Sure he. Had been made an Avenger and all of that but he really hadn't done much in the Avenging department, after Thanos and Mr. Stark losing part of his arm he hadn't done much with the other heroes.

It took about thirty seconds into the fight that Peter noticed two major things, firstly this dudes skin was crazy thick and secondly, he was insanely strong. Peter was getting his ass handed to him down right properly. It was all happening so fast Peter was staying upright just by the skin of his teeth. But he was smart to thank God, the rhino was strong and no bullet or fire could hurt him past his skin. But he remembered something T'challa had told him about real rhinos in the wild.

Their eyesight wasn't very good and they tended to not hade the best balance because a lot of them were so top-heavy. They relied on their speed and the force of their blow, with how big this guy was if he got going it would take a lot to get him to stop. This gave Peter the brilliant idea to taught the guy, pretty sure he said something about the guy's ability to perform which we shall not go into detail about because this is for the kids ya know.

Either way the rhino charged with all his heavy glory and Peter only realized the folly of his plan. Because now this. The 700-pound tank was chairing full force in all his fury straight towards him. Shit was said many times. Peter managed to get the guy to go towards the bay but Peter wasn't able to fully out of the way. The horn hit him at crazy high speed and sent him flying with incredible speed and velocity.

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