Tony: Nightmares/ De-aged Tony AU

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I got my first request AHHHH! So this is for you ThatBookfanatic thanks so much! You were so sweet and made a bad morning better
Warning: daddy issues with nightmares of past abuse, this is a real problem today and it's not ok. This was used for a story.

The Avengers had seen very strange things in their line of work. From robot armies to alien invasions, so nothing really should have surprised them at this point in time.

That was until that morning, a hot June morning brought forth the hottest day they had yet and the strangest thing they had seen yet.
And yes it has to do with Tony Stark.

The team they thought they knew their genius billionaire, but they didn't know how well Tony had hid things from them. Until the strangest of all strange things made them see their Man of Iron in a new way.

And it all stated with a pool toy.


"I told you I had a pool." Tony said with a grin on his face as he showed off the new super sized pool on one of the roofs of Stark Tower. The Avengers marveled at the sight of the pool and never had they been so grateful for a body of water.

It was a smoking 95° and all of the Avengers were hot and uncomfortable and even Steve was hot. The team had found him Sam and Bucky laying on the floor with ice. So of course Sam was the first in the pool, stripping off his shirt and tossing his shoes aside and leaping into the water. Splashing the team that stood next to the edge of the pool.

"Hey! Watch it!" Clint said laughing and did the same leaping into the water. Bucky rolled his eyes but didn't see Steve sneak up behind him and push him into the water. Bucky coughed when his head popped up from the shock of it as he pushed the hair out of his eyes and Steve was bent over laughing.

"Oh that's how it is punk?" Without warning he grabbed Steve and with his metal arm yanked him into the water making the rest of them laugh. Soon the whole team was in the water splashing and laughing and a mega water fight started. Thor's booming laugh as he threw Sam up into the air as he did a cannon ball.

"Hey...where's Stark?" The team stopped when Sam asked as his head bobbed above the water. Where was Tony? He wasn't in the water and was no where to be seen.

"I'll find him," Bucky said as he pulled himself out of the water and walked away in the hot sun. The team watched him walk away and went back to splashing in the pool, Wanda using her powers to help get her brother and the rest very wet.

"GUYS a little help!" The team shot out of the water when they heard Bucky's yell and all of them drenched ran to see what was wrong. And the sight they saw shocked them, Bucky was crouched down in front a small pile of clothes but that wasn't shocking part the shocking part was the baby that looked to be about 2 or 3 years old. With dark hair and deep sad brown eyes watched the team but it was the small circle glow on the baby's chest.

"Oh my god..." Sam said looking stunned, the baby was only covered in a white tank Tony had been wearing only now it was more like a night dress on the baby.

Tony...the baby was Tony! The team was shocked and the only thing that shocked them out of it was when Tony started crying, big tears rolling down his little cheeks. Clint was the first to do anything the rest of the team too stunned and most not knowing what to do with a baby. Clint however had a baby at home plus 4 other kids including the twins, so he walked forward and picked Tony up with the most gentle of hands.

Tony was sniffing and Clint had noticed the slight flinch the baby had given when he picked him up, Clint soothes the him saying softly in his ears.

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