Tony: Bad Day

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Bad days, we all have them and we all know what it's like for a day to go south. But what makes a bad day worse is when we're alone to deal with the bad day.

Tony Stark was used to being alone and dealing with things himself but then he met Pepper and the Avengers and suddenly he wasn't alone anymore. He had people that cared about him and people that had his back so when he did have a bad day he had someone to fall back on.

Then Civil War had taken place and suddenly Tony was once again alone. So when one day Tony wakes up at base with his chest on fire and his head spinning he realizes just how much he liked having the team around.

So join Tony on his no good, terrible, unbelievably bad day.


Tony awoke with a start, pain searing and hot in his chest making him whimper. He pressed his forehead into the pillow trying to ride out the wave of pain he was dealing with. It was going to be one of those days, even with the arc reactor out he still had chest problems. I mean they had to take out a lot for the arc to fit and they had to fill it with something when they took it out.

So somedays he just was in pain, making him sick. It sucked but normally Pepper had taken care of him, and if she wasn't there she always called Bruce or Steve to check on him and make sure he rested. But now...he was alone.

What made it even worse was Vision (not that the AI would've been much help) was who knew where helping Ross try to find the Avengers that had broken out of the Raft. And Rhodey was in DC getting treatment for his back. Leaving Tony start alone and sick.

Tony knew he had to get up, knew he had tiger to his feet and get work done but the very thought of moving made him sick. He took a shaky breath and pushed himself up with his hand and a sharp stab of pain in his chest made his breath hitch but he kept moving. Slowly getting to his feet, keeping one arm around his chest he used the other to grab a sweatshirt. It was very big and it looked like it may have been Thor's but why would he have it?

Either way it was big and soft and Tony slipped it on but the very action made the pain stab him hard and his stomach turn painfully. He ran to the bathroom and got there in just enough time for him to fall to his knees and vomit. And did he vomit, he threw up so hard he had to grip the sides of the toilet to keep him steady as he threw up and threw up hard. And when he was able to get a breath it was only for a second before he was puking once more. This didn't stop for God knew how long until Tony was dry heaving. Tears streaming down his face at the pain he was in, his belly hurt his heart hurt his chest hurt! Everything hurt!

When his stomach calmed enough for him to fall onto the cool floor and press his feverish face onto the cool tile. He didn't want to move, he curled into a ball on the floor, he wrapped the sweatshirt tighter around himself. He was so cold, shivering and alone Tony lay on the cold floor and never in his life had he ever felt so lonely. He was ashamed to admit it but he wanted Pepper, he wanted Steve, God he missed that blonde blushing monkey. Steve had been a good friend and had always had his back and Pepper and him both would double team him.

Pepper with her firm stare and Steve with his raw strength and disapproving eyebrow raised face.

Tony didn't know how long he lay there but all he did know was he fell asleep on the floor.

This was a very bad day so far.


Tony awoke once again to stabbing pain in his chest and head. More over his sore and stiff from laying on the cold floor and his throat burned from his vomiting, his stomach felt tight and cramped so in short he was miserable. Truly and utterly miserable, he wanted off the cold floor and just wanted to curl into a ball in his bed and die. Yes dying sounded so much better then dealing with this, and his bed sounded wonderful but how was he going to get there?

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