Peter Quill: Stomach Ache

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Peter groaned, he hates the fact that he was in bed with something as small as a stomachache. Peter had woken up the night before with a sharp pain in his lower abdomen, he curled his fingers around his belly hoping that would ease the pain there.

But boy was he wrong, as the night turned to morning the pain turned into a dull throb making him curl into a ball. He didn't know what time it was or if it was morning or still late at night, all he knew was his stomach hurt, his head hurt and his world was spinning so much even his music couldn't ease the suffering he was feeling. Peter Quill, Star Lord, leader of the Guardians of the Galaxy was thrown on his back by a bellyache.

He didn't think it could've gotten any worse when there was the sound of pounding feet and then his door burst open.

"Yo Quill! Get your lazy ass out of bed!" Came the sharp worse of everyone's favorite (never say to his face) raccoon. Rocket had come in with Groot in the small pot he had been carrying around. The small sprout was slowly but surly growing and had started speaking just a week or so ago. Never had anyone been more happy to hear those magical 3 words.

I am Groot.

But Peter didn't care so much about that at this moment, his head split open as he stomach rolled painfully shooting little daggers up his stomach. He groaned and buried his head into his pillow, everything hurt so much.

"Quill I will tazer your ass in about 5 seconds! Come on you've been sleeping too much." Peter wasn't ready for when his furry teammate jumped on his stomach to try and get him out of bed. The pain was so great he cried out and rolled to the side and puked so hard it was surely more then just one meal.

"I am Groot!" Came a small voice from the pot on his desk, Groot looking angry at his friend for hurting Peter. At least that's what Peter thought he looked like.

"I did not hurt him!" Came Rocket's sharp response, but Peter thought he could hear the tiny but of worry in his voice.

"I am Groot?" Asked Groot from the far corner once more, worry very obvious in his small squeaky voice.

"No he ain't dead." Said Rocket as he pressed a paw to Peter's head...Peter flinched back as he hurled once more making Rocket jump away to avoid the venomous projectile.

"What is all this ruckus?" Came the even tone of Drax as he entered, Peter felt his cheeks burn as more people were now in his room. This was very embarrassing, at least Gamora wasn't in here:

"Our jolly Captain got himself a stomach bug." Said Rocket from his spot next to Peter's feet, far away from his reaching vomit mouth.

"If there's a bug in his abdomen then we must extracted it at once!" Drax boomed making Peter whimper as his head pounded, yeah today wasn't a good day.

"I am Groot!" Groot shouted alarmed.

"No no you big walking idiot, it's a expression just means his stomach is upset." Rocket tries to explain but this only confused Drax more.

"Then maybe you should give his stomach flowers, since she's upset."

"No no NO! His belly hurts got it?" Rocket yelled getting annoyed with the gray skinned man. Peter just wanted peace and quiet, he wanted them to leave him alone so very badly. His stomach was throbbing as was his head, and puking only made it worse.

"What is with all this yelling?" Oh crap, for there standing above him was the most beautiful woman in the galaxy, with her shimmering green skin and fierce eyes it made his head spin. She was the most amazing woman he had ever met, she took crap from no one and could hold a blaster better then he could making him want her all more. She was the first girl he couldn't have or didn't want anything to do with him and it drove him crazy! But that was moot at this point, his stomach clenched painfully making him moan with the wave of pain as he tries to ride it out.

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