Steve: Sea Sickness

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"A boat trip?" Steve looked at Clint and Tony from his spot on the couch.

"Yeah have you ever been on a boat trip before? It's a lotta fun." Clint said as he was packing stuff, Tony and Clint had agreed that a boat trip was a good idea and Clint was even taking Pietro with them and now trying to get him to go with them. Steve couldn't remember the last time he had been on a boat let alone a boat trip.

"I don't know..."

"Come on Cappy! It's going to be fun lots of fun so you're coming no ifs ands or buts." Tony said will a wide grin, in his wide eyed joy almost looking like a child on Christmas morning. Steve wasn't sure about this, he'd only ever been on really big ships and urge tankers nothing as small as what the guys were suggesting. The people that were going were few, Sam and Bucky were off on a your helping men with PTSD around the country, Bucky taking his dog with him to show the guys that a dog can be very helpful in that area. The girls were taking a spa weekend and Vision had agreed to take he little kids with Thor helping him why they thought that was a good idea was beyond Steve but the kids did love Thor and Vision was very level headed.

"Okay! I made it sorry guys." Peter Parker just came darting into the room like a whirlwind like he always did, for a kid with super powers he was always so frazzled and late like a hurricane had picked him up and spat him out.

"Glad you made it kid, this is going to be a fun trip." Tony said as Clint was getting everything together and Pietro was starting to take it down to the truck so they could head out.

"Come on Steve it's going to be a lot of fun don't be such a Debby Downer, for once in your perfectly disciplined life...LIVE A LITTLE." Tony said tosses him a baseball cap, Steve looked down and he opulent help but smile just a little bit, the hat was from their Disney trip about a year ago, it was a simple blue with black Mickey ears on the front. He knew the guys were right he needed to relax he'd been so on edge lately he could us a few days on the water to calm his active overthinking mind.

"Okay guys...let me go pack"



Not even an hour later al the guys were in the huge 4x4 off road mini SUV that Tony had gotten for the trip, the boat latched on the back as they began her drive to the ocean in South Carolina. Steve was sitting shot gun reading a book while Clint drove his dark glasses, it was an 11 hour drive from Stark Tower to Myrtle Beach South Carolina where there beach house was waiting where they could go fishing hopefully the very next day. Pietro ha made his way to the very back seat and was asleep with his headphones in, Peter had his homework that he had to finish over spring break. Tony was on the phone speaking softly there then that it was pretty quiet other then the hum of the car on the freeway.

"Cap have you ever been fishing before?" Tony asked finally off the phone, Steve looked back from his book, he could tell that Tony as board he wanted to fly there and have someone meet them there with a book but Clint said it was part of the experience.

"I used to have fishing. Line and tried to catch fish off the pier at Coney Island, but no nothing like this." Steve said turning back around, focusing back on his book.

"Have you done anything fun?" Tony said again from the back seat, dear God he was like a child.

"Tony you've never been on a fishing trip either and your definition of fun and Steve's is two very different things so shut up unless you're go got have a polite conversation." Clint said in his dad voice, it as obvious he knew had to shut up s chatting child.

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