Peter Parker: Little sick in the head

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Peter groaned as he woke up, everything seemed loud and out of place and he knew it was going to be one of those days. Peter after the spider bite it was almost like too much information was being poured in at once. Like he could hear a fly walk on the ceiling, or the thump of footsteps floors below him. Every crack of a branch outside and every click of a clock that was at the opposite side of the building. Everything would be too bright and loud and too much that it gave him the worst migraines in the history of migraines.

He had gotten good at fighting them, and most of the time he liked to hide in his room with noise canceling headphones and a weighted blanket to calm himself. He'd listen to the ocean most of the time because that was the only sound that seemed to sooth him. But  this time was different, this time he wasn't at home with his Aunt in the next room over. This time he was at the Avengers compound with the newly put together Avengers. His Aunt away on a vacation that Tony Stark at provided for her birthday and to give her a much needed break. Peter knew it was for Peter and not for his aunt because he had been so worried about her.

But now he wished he was home because he had forgotten his headphones and hadn't brought his weighted blanket he hadn't even tho got about it and was slightly embarrassed about it.

He moaned into his pillow and put his head under the pillow to ease the pounding in his skull. He felt like crap, like utter crap and he fully intended on staying in here the rest of his life.

Or so he thought....

Bucky was still getting used to this, of being free of Hydras hold and living with the Avengers at an upstate compound. He was the only one there that day, Stark has been gone that morning leaving a note that he hadn't read yet.

Steve has left with Sam yesterday and Thor was off doing who knew what and the Maximoff twins had left a week ago to go see Clint at the farm. Leaving Bucky alone in the vast space of this quiet place. He leaned on the counter smelling the warmth coming from his mug of hid coffee, his wrangler jeans fitting himself very well. He also wore a dark blue tshirt his hair pulled back from his face. He was going to cut it soon he knew that but for now he didn't mind pulling it out of his way.

Bucky was sipping his coffee when he figured it was probably a good idea to read the note Stark had left. Bucky forced himself into motion walked over to the counter and open it.


Me and Bruce left for Japan this morning for science stuff you wouldn't understand. However Peter Parker (Spider/Kid) is still here and against my better judgment I am leaving you in charge of the kid. He's young and has worse self preservation then I do so yes he is 15 but please keep an eye on him please. His Aunt will skin me alive if he "doesn't eat' or "doesn't sleep' don't let me down.


Tony E. Stark.

Bucky snorted into his coffee, this was huge for Stark to leave his pride and joy Peter Parker. He was a good kid from what Bucky could tell, full of energy and life and a mouth that didn't seem to stop. He also had the biggest heart of anyone Bucky had ever met, the kid had such a love for human life and people that it made the kid the hero this city really needed. He was young and innocent and his big eyes could melt even the coldest of hearts.

The kid also had so much spunk tended to get himself in over his head. Gee who did that remind him off? Peter was so much like Steve before the war, Steve before so much was put on his shoulders. The same fight in his spirit and the fire in his eyes, that also made Bucky nervous about the kid. He didn't want him to end up like him and get himself to where most of the other Avengers were.

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