Loki: Stomach Flu

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Loki couldn't stop the groan that split his lips, after his long stay in Asgard's prison he had been thrown to the puny world of Midgard. Thor of course what charged with keeping an eye on him and he hated it but what he hated even more was the fact he was stripped of his power and that's why he was laying in bed with this curse of stomach pain.

His stomach would roll and flip as if an army of frost Giants were having a full on war with his insides. Loki buried his head in his pillow trying his best to ignore the nausea that was fight to gain control.

If there was one thing he hated more then Odin it was being ill, he had only been ill a few times in all his years and it was most unpleasant but this was by far the worst. His stomach hurt so terribly he would go from burning hot to ice cold in seconds, his whole body ached and he was just miserable.

Loki and his brother were staying in a small apartment in New York until Loki could be trusted to live elsewhere but his brother wasn't here now he was off galavanting with those freaks in the tight outfits.

Truth be told he was glad he was alone, he hated feeling helpless and he hates it more when people saw him as such.

He gripped his pillow as his stomach crapped painfully it was them he knew he wasn't going to hold out much longer. In the next second he darted to the bathroom and was only just able to make it before his stomach lurched causing what he felt was everything he had ever eaten in history to come racing out. His held onto the toilet until his knuckles turned white, 20 minutes he was hunched over this confounded contraption and when he was finally done he was too tired to go back to bed. He was weak and felt sicker then before, so he curled himself into a ball and tried to rest.

God how he hated this sickness.


It was a bit past midnight when Thor got home, he had a wonderful time with his team mates and wished Loki would've come with him. But Loki had been in his bed saying he was tired because Thor snored too loud. So he had let his brother stay and he hoped he didn't get into trouble.

Thor creeped into the apartment only to find Loki wasn't in bed, confused he started to look around and it wasn't long before Thor found his brother curled in a helpless ball on the floor of the bathroom. Thor's heart leapt into his throat as he knelt by his brother and felt his head with his large palm.

He was warm with fever and from the faint smell Loki had been sick in here a few times.
Thor sighed, why hasn't he told him he wasn't feeling well? But then again this was Loki, he was far too proud to admit he didn't feel good or that he needed help so it should've surprised him that Loki hid this from him.

Thor picked up his brother with gentle care, Loki moaned in discomfort curling closer to Thor. Thor's heart hurt, it was like they were children again, before this whole mess with father and Loki had started. With the same care as before he lay Loki on the bed and went to fetch him a new shirt to change out of the sweat soaked shirt. After retrieving the new shirt Thor carefully sat his brother upright, Loki made a protested huff but didn't fight Thor as he lifted the old shirt off and pulled on the new one. Not as much as a whine when he pulled the covers over him which concerned Thor. What concerned him more was what Loki said after all of this.

"Thor?..." Loki's voice was cracked and weak from all the throwing up.

"Yes brother I'm here." Thor kept his voice low as he sat on the bed by his brother.

"Mmm...m'don't feel good..." Thor was socked to say the least that Loki was saying this at all and to him at the least, even when they were boys Loki only ever told mother if he was ill.

"Take care brother I shall take care of you, what hurts?" Thor said in what he hoped to be a soothing voice.

"S-stomach...head..." Loki moaned in pain as he said so, whatever this was it was causing him extreme discomfort.

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