Steve; Times and the food

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Steve remembered thanksgiving, his were normally small his mom not able to bring home much and the times just having a bit of soup was a blessing then he joined the army and food was even more scarce. So when you wake up in a time where there was so much food you could drown in it that was a big shock for the super solider. It wasn't like he had been starving himself he just never was very extravagant. Old habits die hard he guessed, but he didn't have the heart to be a party pooper when everyone got so excited about spending the holiday together. 

Now here he was sitting at the counter as the team bustled around making things for their family thanksgiving dinner. Clint and Laura were making the turkey, Clint was surprisingly a great cook as Laura was kissing his cheek as she helped him as their kids ran rapid through the living room. Natasha and Bucky were making the stuffing and green beans, Nat was skilled with a knife and cut the vegetables while Bucky was putting things into the pots and pans smiling softly as Nat whispered something in Russian to him. Wanda and Vision making corn and pies that filled the place of the sweet scent of the desserts. Rhodey  however was over with Peter the two of them having being tasked with the mashed potato's, Rhodey was showing Peter how not to over mash them while he added butter and who knew what else. Thor's booming laugh filled the room as he told and retold stories from his home when he was growing up of the feasts and parties that lasted for days. Clint's kids loved Thor and were hanging on every word while a football game played in the background. While Pepper was explaining the history behind the very first thanksgiving to those who weren't from this country or even this planet. Steve loved hearing all the hustle and bustle of everything. This was what thanksgiving was supposed to be about, family and loud laughter and there were almost too many smells to keep count of. 

Steve watched as Tony just made coffee and bossed everyone around, he would walk by Pepper and kiss her making her smile. The two of them were expecting a baby and Pepper was just now starting to show. Sam was pushing Bucky light on the arm, laughing as he made the rolls and his moms secret honey butter. Bucky only looked slightly annoyed by this but his eyes betrayed the light that was there, Steve smiled at this. Bucky had been through more then a lot of people and seeing him happy like this. Laughing and cooking and fitting in made a warmth fill his chest  

Everyone was happy and cheerful making the food and having a good time. Pietro was standing making quick remarks at Clint while he was holding baby Nate, Lila and Cooper running around in the living room now with Thor giggling their tiny kid giggles. Somehow during story time  it had turned into tag, Thor's booming laugh filled the room and it just was happy. 

Yes, this was a happy place during this holiday that used to be so hard and Steve was very grateful for it. It was maybe an hour later that they all sat down at a super long table. Peter's Aunt May just getting there from work, her wide smile as she came in with Happy behind her. Everyone thought they were dating but no one really knew but Clint and Tony loved to tease Peter about it.

Once everyone was seated they went around the table as said what they were thankful for, this was something the Barton family did. Then Pepper asked Steve to bless the food so Tony could carve the turkey. Steve stood, Bucky drinking his beer smiling at the slight flush in Steve's cheeks.

"Dear God, we are so grateful to be able to be here together tonight, thank you for another year and that everyone is healthy and happy, bless this food to our bodies and for Pepper to have an easy pregnancy, in Jesus name we pray, amen." There was clapping as everyone dived into the feast as Friday played Christmas music in the background.


The night was winding down to a close and everyone was leaving to their floors the kitchen cleaned up and things put away. Steve ate far too much and he didn't even know that was possible. The boys had been tasked with cleaning up and putting things away, it didn't take very long with so many hands. They had sat with coffee and tea by the tv watching a football game until everyone got too tired to go on. As for dinner everyone offered him a new kind of pie and dinner plate stacked with food and he was too kind and polite to say no. Most all of it was so good it wasn't a chore to eat them but even Steve thought he was getting full and the mix of foods seemed a bit off setting. Natasha, Sam and Bucky had already left to their floors and Rhodey had to leave early to catch a plane to go see his family. Happy took May home but Peter had crashed on the couch so Thor had put him to bed on Peter's floor before retiring himself. The Bartons had one of the biggest floors and each of them carrying a small child while Pietro trailed after them, Wanda and Vision were in the kitchen still talking softly over cups of tea.

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