Thor: To have a brother

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Asgard fell, his hammer destroyed and now kidnapped and taken by who knew and his hair chopped off. Thor's life was taking a turn for the worse and he didn't know what he was going to do.

He didn't eat much anymore and was
Forced to drink a foul liquid that 'kept him strong' for the fights. It was a foil tasting brown sludge that stuck to the back of your throat like trying to swallow a frog, it was nasty tasting. Because of it most mornings he just woke up tired but this morning was different, he felt hot all over and his stomach was betraying him. Like a monster was tearing it to bits, it sloshing around whatever was left in his stomach,  that he would groaned and curled into a ball, trying praying for some solace in his misery.

Men kept coming trying to force him up, force him to fight but he couldn't move without throwing up what little he had in his body and it was painful and everything was twisting and turning in his vision. He couldn't see straight and his head pounded like great big drums a steady beat that made him squeeze his eyes tightly closed.

Thor was never one to fear but in his state, he flinched away from anyone who tries to touch him. He hadn't had a kind touch in he didn't know how long, he missed Jane and the Avengers but he knew they couldn't help him now. Besides him and Jane hadn't been together in a while now, he still remembered where he was and what he was doing when she walked in and told him she was dumping him. It was like it all happened in slow motion, like lyrics from a country song, which he hadn't stopped listening to since it had happened. A heart broken Demi God was the last thing anyone would want to deal with and to be honest that was the least of his worries right now but that didn't mean his heart wasn't still hurting.

Thor was often now just drowning in his own thoughts before he was dragged out to fight, that was when he heard the cell door open with a creak he groaned presses his face further. The sound was much louder to him than it normally would, then the soft footfalls sounded like thundering echoes as someone stepped closer to him. Then a hand was on his side and he jerked away from the touch, the hand didn't move just moved with him. The touch was kind and tender and Thor wanted that he wanted that so very badly.

"Be at ease brother....easy quiet no one knows I'm here..." Thor knew that voice, knew that voice better than most and he knew that voice most of the time trouble followed it. But his brain was so fuzzy and the world so topsy-turvy he didn't care he just wanted to lay in a bed and curl into a ball and die.

But that wasn't what his brother had in mind...


Loki like to think he was a practical person, finding what he needed and going to get it and do whatever it took to make sure he was safe. So he had done just that and didn't really think about his brother when he became a fighter in the games. Survival was honestly the only thing he cared about at the moment, one of the only things he had always cared about. He was smaller than most of his brothers friends and later battle companions, he fought with his wits not with muscle. But he wasn't heartless, or at least not as heartless as people made him out to be, he cared about Thor sure he did, he was his brother even if jealousy has eaten him alive more than once.

But sadly he remembered all to well one of the last conversations he had with their mother Frigga, he remembered it like it was yesterday, her words running through his mind like a broken record, "Loki, your brother needs you, more than you realize, he pushes too hard and leads with his fist, you could teach him much...protect him...and he will protect you...please my son...for me.." so when Loki heard something was wrong with Thor he couldn't turn a blind eye no matter how much he had wanted to.

It wasn't hard to sneak down to Thor's cell but he wasn't prepared for the sight he was going to see. Thor looked terrible as if he had been run over by the worst of beasts, than drug around a pool of shit just for good measure. He was curled in a ball and the place reek of sick and something else that almost smelled worse. Loki's stomach turned at the sight of his brother, he was sweating so bad and moaning in agony. Loki steppes closer and something seemed to flip in him, like a switch and been hit or a nerve struck.

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