Steve Rogers: Migraine

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Steve fell flat on his back, hard, it jarred his whole brain.

"I win Rogers! You owe me 10 bucks." Natasha laughed as Steve hopped to his feet rolling his eyes. He always never lost, they always tied, Steve didn't know why he was off his game today but he had a slight headache maybe that was it.

"Yeah yeah...I'll pay you back tomorrow." Steve said as he dried himself off. Steve felt a bit odd, but he didn't like to worry people so he kept it to himself when he knew that it would be gone before anyone should have to worry.

He and Natasha parted ways for the day as it was getting close to dinner time. Steve hurried up to his floor and took a quick shower, it was Tuesday which meant the team dinner. It was something Pepper had started and they had done it ever since. Steve liked the dinners, made him feel more at home since he had come out of the ice. The thought of everyone sitting down to eat a hot meal together gave him something to look forward to something to look forward to, but as he got out of the shower he felt a slight throb at his temple. That was odd, he never got headaches anymore, nor did he ever get sick, so why did his head hurt? Well it didn't hurt that much he could just ignore it for the time being and go eat dinner then sleep it off.

So Steve quickly got dressed in his favorite pair of levi's blue jeans and a plain white t-shirt, quickly putting on a hoodie as he hurried down the stairs. He was running a little but late this evening, as he hurried into the kitchen/common room he saw all the other Avengers were already there. Natasha and Bruce were in the kitchen with Pepper as they cooked together, laughing and joking as they cooked. Bruce having a slight blush on his cheeks with a shy smile as Natasha whispered something in his ear. Thor and Clint were sitting on the couch watching Thor's new favorite tv show, 'The Big Bang theory' and were rolling at Sheldon knocking for Penny as the flash. Tony was sitting at the breakfast bar with Bucky and Pietro, telling them about quietly beer while Bucky said nothing beat the scotch that Dum Dum had snuck into camp. When Pietro asked for some Clint about blew his top, "You're 17! No drinking!"

Vision and Wanda talked softly in the corner, discussing American literature and her new book she was reading, 'The Adventures of Tom Sawyer' while Vision was reading, 'Pride and Prejudice'. Steve felt a hand on his shoulder and a beer put in his hand as he turned to see Sam Wilson with his white toothed smile. "Hey man how was training with Nat today?" Steve was about to answer when Tony cut him off before he had even started.

"Yeah! How was losing to a girl?" Steve rolled his eyes as Tony and Pietro lost it in giggles, the kid was doing much better but still couldn't run. Clint had brought him back for a visit to Wanda and a check up, Bucky was laughing to but not like the other men. His eyes just sparkled and he had that old gleam in his eyes like he use to have back in the 40's, before the war, before Hydra.

"Natasha is a great with hand to hand combat...but." Steve started as Tony shut him up again as he cut in to give you his opinion, even if you didn't ask him to.

"OOO theres a but!" Making Pietro laugh harder but then wince in pain as his laughter pulled on his stitches. Clint and Wanda were next to him in seconds as he waved them off saying he was fine and to stop being all daddy hawk and protective sister.

"I wasn't focused thats why she won." Steve said flatly, Natasha just grinned and shook her head not saying anything but whispering to Dr. Banner and he chuckled under his breath.

"What ever floats your boat Captain Popsicle-Stick." Tony said as Pepper started carrying in the food, as the night progressed Steve started to feel just a little bit more off. As coffee and cake was served the ache that might've been there was a steady throb that he could still ignore and keep the others from seeing that was until Thor's booming laugh made him squint just a bit and he felt a nudge at his shoulder once more but this time it was Natasha.

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