Peter Parker: Ask for Help (Homecoming Fic)

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Peter's life has changed so much in the last year from getting his powers to meeting his hero Tony Stark. He tried to get some normalcy back into his life but deep down he knew he life was never going to be the same again.

He was never going to just be Peter Parker again, he was Spider-Man and was determined to do what was right. He had a point to prove, that he wasn't just a dumb kid. But that kind of thinking is what got him in this mess in the first place. In a dark damp hole his wrist mangled and a fever burning in his body.

And now even more so then ever...He wanted to ask for help...


It started out as a normal Tuesday morning for the teen, getting out of bed a bit too late  and rushes through his morning routine. His Aunt May grabbing his collar forcing some toast into his mouth before kissing his cheek and he rushed out.

School was pretty uneventful that was until he was leaving school and saw none other Flash Thomson and doing yet again beating up on one of the younger kids. Peter stopped for only have a second before he jumped in front of Flash pushing him back.

"Hey leave him alone!" Peter said and realized  a bit too late that he really couldn't do anything unless he wanted to give up his secret and couldn't really do that so it didn't surprise him when a fist clocked his right eye and sent him flying backwards. He landed with a thud and a swift kick to his spine, he bit his lip to keep from making a sound.

"Learn your lesson puny Parker and stay out of things that don't concern you." Peter waited until they were gone and he forced himself to his feet with a shudder. That hadn't felt good but it had to be done and with that he made his way to Stark Tower for his internship.


Peter walked into the tower with his head low last thing he needed was Tony or worse Happy see that he had a black eye and a bruised spine that wasn't from his superhero-ing.

"We'll look who decided to show up." Peter stilled when he heard the voice of his mentor Tony Stark.

"Im not late...this time." Tony laughed but stopped and Peter knew he was busted.

"There a reason you're keeping your hood up or are you trying to be Robin Hood?" Peter knew he had to come up with something fast but by then it was too late and his hood was off and Peter felt a hand under his chin and his head was tilted up.

"What happened to your face?" Peter shuffed his hand off.

"I ran into a door I'm fine can I go now." Tony cocked his eyebrow crossed his arms but let him pass. But Peter was already in a mood, he was so sick and tried of being treated like he couldn't handle himself. So sick and tired of people doubting him and thinking he couldn't do it.

He grabbed his suit and jumped out the window, he was going to save this city of it killed him. Little did he know this wasn't the best of ideas.


Peter looked down over his city, the people below hurrying to whatever life they had. It's was peaceful, being up so high and looking at the world below it helped the teen to relax and calm him mind. But his mind had other plans, all at once his spider sense went through the roof and someone or something slammed into him knocking the air clean out of him and taking him through the wall.

He coughed, ribs wee broken that wasn't good. He looked up to see what was attacking him and he froze his blood running cold. It was the lizard and he looked angry.

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