Bucky: Find Me/AU

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Ok! So this is a little different it came to me just now and I'm writing it before I forget it! This starts right after Bucky fell from the train hope u enjoy!
Bucky remember falling but he didn't remember hitting the ground thankfully. But as he slowly came to he never had felt such pain before. The question wasn't what was broken the true question was what wasn't broken?

He had never felt such pain before, he tilted his head and saw his arm was all but gone and he sobbed in pain. He hurt all over and he couldn't stop the tears that were slowly crawling down his face. Steve...he had seen the look of horror on his friends face as he had fallen. Why hasn't he reached further? He knew Steve would blame himself and he wouldn't be there to tell him to 'shut up and get over it'.

God he wished Steve was there, he just wanted the pain to stop.

"Please...make it stop...p-please..." Bucky didn't know who he was saying this to or how long he lay there, didn't know if he passed out and came to again or not but what he did know that someone was now hovering over him and touching him. Bucky cried out in agony as a hand went over his mouth.

"immer noch, werden sie hören, you're america yes?" The voice had a thick German accent making Bucky pull away from it making more pain surge though his body.

"SHH shh...I will not harm you...but you must be still...you have lost too much blood but you can be saved but please remain still." Bucky didn't know what to do, he was scared and in so much pain that he wanted to trust this man.

He felt arms around him and then more agony and fell into wonderful blackness...

Bucky was slowly started coming to, he felt something soft under his back and lots of tight cloth around his body.

His eyes opened slowly, he was in a small room, it seemed to be a one room cabin. The bed pushed into the far corner a fire cracking on the wall opposite to him. He was cold, so very cold, his arm hurt so bad he felt tears trailing down his cheeks.

He then felt a hand on his face, wiping the tears away, "Be at ease, you're safe for the time being." Bucky looked up at an older gentleman with kind brown eyes, his hair was black with gray streaks in his hair.

He had a coat and sweater and a hat in his lap, he pulled the blanket down a bit and examined Bucky's torn limb. Bucky didn't want to look at his now gone limb, it hurt so badly he couldn't bare the thought of looking. Then there was that gentle hand once more moving his arm into a sling.

He cried out as the man then left his side and came back with a bowl in his hands. With one arm be lifted Bucky up slowly and out the bowl to his lips and helped him drink a hot broth that warmed him to the core and helped him relaxed somewhat.

"I can offer you something Sargent...but if you say yes know you will loose much but gain something better." Bucky looked at the man with half lit eyes, he was so tired but kept listening to the man as he kept speaking. He didn't know what he meant by that, loose much but gain something better. He didn't understand, part of the reason for that was the splitting headache and deep throb his arm was coursing through his body. His eye looked down at the torn limb, it was gone from just above the elbow the rest had been bandaged and put in a make shift sling to stop him from moving it too much. Bucky was now trying to think, this man had helped him and was saying he could give him something great...so as he squeezed his eyes shut he said to this man.

"Ok....do it....just...make the...pa..in stop.." The man looked at Bucky with sad eyes, it was obvious this was a very kind man. Bucky could tell he was older maybe in his late 50's early 60's and has round glasses on his face. The man got up and moved around the small cabin, Bucky couldn't help but wonder if this man was a doctor hiding from the Nazis and he couldn't have been more grateful for this mans help. Bucky felt a prick in his side just below his third rib and his world went very foggy and tilted dangerously to one side. He felt sick and wanted to puke but was too weak to do so and then his world went black once more.

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