Steve and Bucky: Rescue Me (Requested) 7k Special

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4 days...4 days since Steve went missing, Bucky hated it. His so called friends were chafing their tails not doing a damn thing to save Steve.

Bucky had been off the grid for a while now but when word reached the soldier that the Captain  had been taken by Hydra. Bucky's blood burned cold and hot at the same time. He hadn't felt anything like this in a long time.

Steve was his brother...his best friend and he had been taken by the same slime that had some think him. The very men he had run away from, in short he was angry.

Hydra didn't have Bucky Barnes coming after them...they wanted the winter solider...they were going to get him...guns blazing.


Bucky wasn't a patient man, far from it. So as he waited in a place as cold as ice for the Hydra goon to come along his finger got trigger happy, he was angry and if this guy didn't show up soon it wasn't going to be good. Bucky knew Steve was being hurt by Hydra, probably was in a lot of pain right now and the very thought made him want to crack every skull hydra had.

That was when he saw him, it was just a solider but he knew this solider would know where they were keeping the captain. Bucky watched as he stumbled out of the bar drunk off his ass as the Winter Solider waited. Bucky came up behind him and with one powerful yank dragged the man into the ally one hand over his mouth.

The man was struggling but Bucky was far too strong for him to be any trouble, he slams the the man into the wall holding him a few feet off the ground.

"Where's Rogers." Bucky seethed his grip tight on the man he was holding letting his hand off his mouth.

"Go to hell." Bucky snarled and shit the man in the leg, the man howled but Bucky covered his mouth until the guys screams stopped.

"I've already been there. I'm not in a patient mood tell me where they are holding Rogers. RIGHT NOW." The man was shaking in both fear and pain, as Bucky slipped his hand off his mouth again he spoke.

"13...base" Bucky pushes the gun into the mans other leg.

"Okay! Base the middle of the woods in...Germany." That was all Bucky needed to hear and he dropped the man.

"You speak of this to anyone and I will find you...and I will kill you." The man nodded and Bucky left, he had a best friend to save.


Bucky stared at the base before him, he knew Steve was at the most protected part of the base. The deepest depths of it, he didn't want to go back. Didn't want Hydra to control him ever again but Steve the dumb punk was in there.

Bucky stilled as two men walked by heavily armed talking to each other. Bucky had forgotten how much of gossips Hydra soldiers were, but what they were saying made Bucky's blood boil.

"Man for Captain America thought he'd last longer."

"Saw him crying yesterday when they dumped him into the ice bath, it's not even the worst thing they've done to him." But that wasn't true, it was the worst thing they could've done to him, Steve was scared to death of freezing again and if they pushed him into ice water it could have sent Steve into a panic attack remembering.

Bucky couldn't wait any more and snuck into the back part of the base. He knew how to get into a place without being spotted, how to walk without a sound. He snuck deeper into the base seeing more men then he liked. If Steve was in bad shape they were going to need a fast exit. That was when Bucky pasted a room and what he saw made him smile, for a plan was forming in his messed up head. Was it crazy? Oh yeah completely and totally nuts...but it just might work.

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