Team Cap: Plane Crash

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Steve wasn't a fan of flying, really that shouldn't surprise anyone. He had crashed in a plane into the ocean, now he didn't let his uncomfortable feeling of flying stop him from doing what needed to be done but that also didn't mean he liked it.

It had been 6 long months since the Civil War and Steve and his band had managed to stay under the radar. They wanted to live in piece and rise if the world needed them. In that time Bucky had woken from cryo sleep and was no longer under the control of his trigger words that Hydra and tried so hard to pound into his mind.

Scott was in it for good, saying he was used to being on the run but was glad it was for something good not something bad this time around. Wanda stayed close to Clint now that she had learned her brother was alive, Pietro was loyal to Clint looking up to the man as a son would his father and Steve knew that the Maximoff's were slowing turning into Barton's.

Clint of course cared for his family first but was willing to jump next to Steve whenever he needed him, Clint was calm and level headed but had a wit and revenge to battle Ross head on. Then there was Sam of course, Steve had tried to get Sam to settle down but Sam would always say this.

'I do what you do but slower, I'm not going anywhere'

Steve was touched by the unshakable loyalty, maybe that was part of the reason they were in this mess. When Steve's group of misfits take a plane to head deeper undercover is shot down its a fight to survive and to stay out of the path of their hunters.

Can Steve and his team keep from getting captured? And more importantly can they stay alive long enough for rescue?

Keep reading to find out...


"How much farther?" Steve looked up and saw Pietro poking his head over Clint's shoulder. Clint laughed and push gently at the silver haired teen making Pietro grin.

"5 minutes closer then the last time you asked." Steve chuckled softly and looked around at them. Bucky was sitting by Sam and was talking softly, his dog Chloe sitting at his feet. The yellow Labrador was one of the best things that had happened to Bucky since meeting Steve once more and being free of Hydra's grasp. Chloe laid with him, hunted with him and protected him from his demons that haunted his dreams. She was a great dog, Sam was laughing at something he said shaking his head.

Wanda was by Scott who was showing her some things with his suit, her eyes grew in wonder making Steve smile. Pietro's dog Hero was tagging along behind the boy, the dog was huge and looked very strong, if the sheer power of his haunches and jaws said anything. He was a shaggy black and grey hound that looked very much like a wolf. Even if he was a hybrid one, Steve had even heard the creature howl a song that was terrifying yet truly beautiful all at the same time. But it was clear he was EXTREMELY protective of Pietro and even Wanda and Clint at times but mostly Pietro.

Steve's hand gripped the hand rest when the plane hit some turbulence. He really hated flying, but he stuck out his chin and dealt with it. Because that's what soldiers do.

"Steve? You alright?" Steve met the worried eyes of Bucky, his hair now short like it had been back in 1945. Steve didn't want to worry his friend so he just smiled and nodded and all was well until the jet turned sharply on its side. Making everyone scream or shout in shock and surprise.

"Strap in! We got company!" Steve turned and saw two fighter jets coming in fast, how had they seem them? Or found them?

The jet jerked as they took fire making the cabin wail with alarms, Steve looked and saw Clint was trying hard to get out of their line of fire but it wasn't working so well. There was too many and Clint jerked the jet again making everyone fell. Steve heard a yelp and he turned and saw Chloe was stuck under some bags, Bucky was at her side and freed her holding her close to his chest to protect her from the loose items in the cabin.

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