Pietro: Superheroes Don't Get Sick

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Superheroes don't get sick, they're strong like a stead fast rock and stubborn as a mule. Even more so when that superhero is a teenager. So no, Pietro Maximoff Barton isn't sick, he's not! His head just feels heavy and his nose is clogged.

He's not sick!

But what will happen to our silver haired speedster when he hides the fact he's sick from his new family and puts himself in a worse spot?

Keep reading to find out....


Pietro nearly whimpered when his alarm went off at a bright 6am. He needed to get up and he new he needed to get up, he had chores he had to do. Perks of living on a farm, more over his new family was out for the last week and we're getting back late tonight and he had to make sure everything was ready to go.

He pushed himself upright and got to his feet only to grab his dresser. His world tipped to one side as his head felt heavy and muddled. He felt awful...truly terrible, he couldn't really breathe and he just wanted to lay in bed forever or die and be out out of his misery.

He felt his hand being nuzzled and looked down to see Hero looking up at him with his concerned grey eyes. Pietro patted the shaggy dogs head and forced himself to move when his bout with vertigo and forced himself into his Levi's and dark blue flannel, he was becoming more and more like a country boy and would even wear boots from time to time but he liked his running shoes and was playing on speeding through his chores so he could exercise Sweet Feet their thoroughbred and Gladiator they're black clydesdale.

He loved those horses Sweet Feet was younger and had a need for speed and was fun to ride, but Gladiator was older and a very calm and gentle horse for his massive size. His white stocking shaggy feet and white face gave him a sweet look but yet Pietro had seen the animal trample a few snakes to save Lila from getting bitten.

Pietro made himself move and went downstairs Hero in toe.The dog doing its best to keep up with them that you knew that his dog hero with keeping a close eye on him to tell by the way the dog with its head if he grabbed the railing to steady himself.

He drank a cup of coffee slowly trying to keep himself upright. Hero looked up as he drank the coffee and looked like he wanted to push Pietro back into his bed.

Pietro took a breath and took off at his top speed, he got 60% of the indoor chores done when he was slammed with nausea and fell on his knees gasping for air.

He felt awful, but he knew he needed to keep moving. He had promised Clint he would finish and be done when he got home. So again he forced himself to move and went outside to start his outdoor chores.

He fed and watered the chickens and fed the cow, it was when he got to the barn where the horses were that he started to stagger a bit. He heard the happy sound of Sweet Feet snorting and making happy horse noises.

Pietro almost fell when he felt the warm nose of Gladiator snuffing softly into his neck. The horses breath was warm and smelled sweet like grass and hay. Pietro stroked the horses neck and leaned onto the much larger animal as the horse laid his head on his back.

Pietro didn't want to leave the warm body but he forced himself to grab a bridle and walk Gladiator outside to the gate. Pietro somehow got himself up on the animal but froze when he felt the word tip dangerously to one side.

Gladiator looked back at him with a soft look of concern Hero was giving him a harder look but off they went.

They rode for a while and were out in Pietro's favorite field when disaster struck. Pietro was hit hard with vertigo and he couldn't keep his seat on the bare back of gladiator and he fell. Gladiator slammed to a halt but Pietro hit his knee twisting it on the way down.

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