Peter: Candy Makes the belly hurt

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"Come on Steve please!"

"No Tony I don't like that idea at all."

"Im a genius I can handle it."

"You can barely take care of yourself let a child." Steve was trying to get away from the billionaire while holding 5 year old Peter Parker, who was asleep on his shoulder his binky in his mouth and a blanket around him. Peter was Steves great great grandson that he had learned about just a year earlier, when he learned his great granddaughter and her husband has passed away in a plane crash. Peter had been given to his aunt and Uncal but his Uncal had been shot and killed by a mugger and his aunt had passed away from a heart attack.

To say the least Peter had been through a lot in his little years, so much pain for a 5 year old to have gone through. Steve had gained guardianship when Peter was 4 and the little guy had stuck to Steve like glue. The Avengers loved Peter making Steve all the happier. Steve very rarely left Peter for longer then an afternoon and if he did he was with Wanda or Natasha and Bruce. But Captain America was being called for a mission and he was in a bind because no one was available to watch Peter.

Natasha and Bruce were on their honeymoon across the world who knew where, Clint his family and Pietro were camping in Alaska, Vision and Thor were exploring the Galaxy, Wanda was in Wakanda with T'challa and Bucky and Sam were going with Steve on the mission. Leaving none other then Tony Stark and Steve was not going to leave Peter with Tony that was not a good idea at all.

"Come on old man I can handle it." Which is where Steve was now, Tony hunting him down begging him to let him watch Peter.

"Tony. I can't." Steve was firm but couldn't keep his frown when Peter snuggled closer to him.

"Yes you can besides JARVIS is here to, and you have to go and there's no one else and you have to be on the jet in 3 hours I can handle it I promise." Steve looked at Peter's sleeping form, then at Tony's pleading eyes. Steve let out a breath and nodded.

"Fine Tony but if anything happens to him..."

"There won't I promise."

Steve only hoped he wouldn't come to regret this decision.


Tony had been a little hurt that Cap hadn't trusted him to watch the Tony trot, I mean how hard could it be? And for that afternoon it wasn't bad Peter had woken up right before Steve had left which made it easier for both of them even though Peter did cry when Bucky all but pulled Steve out.

But the kid calmed down and Tony even let Dum-E play with him, letting Tony get a lot of work done. Fed the kid dinner and put him to bed, and like most nights sleep just wouldn't come he tried till about 3 am before he gave up and went down to the shop to get stuff done. Time flew by and Tony forgot about everything and everyone...even the little 5 year old just a few floors above him...


Peter woke up the next morning at about 9, he yawned and trudged out into the hall. He was sad his daddy was away and he didn't like it at all. His little belly grumbled, he was hungry so he went into the kitchen. His Uncal Tony was nowhere to be found, an hour slipped by and Peter was really hungry! Where was Uncal Tony? Peter decided he was a big boy now and maybe Uncal Tony knew it and he needed to feed himself.

Peter went into the kitchen and opened the cabinet and found lots of chips and candy! Oh how Peter loved candy! He grabbed the bags and opened them and started eating, daddy never let him eat this much!

He ate and he ate and he ate, 4 bags of chips and so much candy Peter couldn't count that high yet. It was so much fun bouncing on the couch and eating all the candy and doing what he wanted.

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