You Do Not Yield (Bucky Barnes)

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"But Evalin Ashryver held Aelin's gaze, the softness turning hard and gleaming as fresh steel. 'It is the strength of this that matters, Aelin' Aelin's fingers dug into her chest as she mouthed, 'The strength of this.' Evalin nodded. Cairn's hissed threats danced through the coffin, his knife scraping and scraping. Evalin's face didn't falter. 'You are my daughter. You were born of two mighty bloodlines. That strength flows through you. Lives in you.' Evalin's face blazed with the fierceness of the women who had come before them, all the way back to the Faerie Queen whose eyes they both bore. 'You do not yield.' "
― Sarah J. Maas, Kingdom of Ash

Bucky Barnes had endured a great many things, the depression, the war, his torture and capture. He wasn't stupid he knew the main bulk of his endurance had been at Hydra's hand. He had bore it even when he hadn't wanted to, he had lived when he had wanted nothing but death. He had thought back to those moments many times, the ones where he had wished for nothing but death and he had stilled lived. Sam had joked once that Bucky had survived out of stubborn spite, Bucky wasn't sure if it was that or something else.

There was this vague echo of memory inside him, like a tether to this reality that had held him here. Like someone or something had held him here, for what purpose he wasn't sure of that either. Hydra had shattered him into so many pieces and he had painstakingly with so much therapy and setbacks had been putting himself back together. Finding out who Bucky was again and accepting the Bucky he had been was not the Bucky he was now. War changed a person on a good day after all he had been through it was more than reasonable he would be different. It had taken Steve the longest to accept this, his wife the pretty brunette nurse Gwyn had  been the most helpful in Steve letting that old Bucky go.

Bucky was beyond grateful for her, she was good and sweet and just what Steve had needed. But he was mostly grateful for her introducing him to HER, the most beautiful woman he had ever laid eyes on. Lara, the blonde haired blue eyed bombshell who had knocked the air from his lungs when he had first laid eyes on her. She was a veteran like he was, she had been a pilot for those air troop carriers in Afghanistan. Both of them bore scars of capture and loss, she never treated him like a bomb or broken glass. She had gotten him to dance again, God Sam had been ruthless in his teasing when it came to her. Bucky didn't mind, she had been the salve his soul needed and now they were engaged.

All in all maybe enduring had been worth it for her, maybe that made him a hopeless romantic but again he didn't care. But because of that endurance he knew pain, he knew pain better than he knew peace he felt somedays. He knew pain and he knew drugs and he knew when he had woken just a few minutes ago with the persistent throb in his skull he had been drugged with the hard stuff. He had expected to feel the heavy shackles around his wrists biceps and ankles. He wasn't shocked his shoes were gone nor was he surprised when his brain put together his shirt was also gone and it was freezing and damp in this dungeon he seemed to be in. Christ he was COLD, this place dimly lit but a sliver of pale light perhaps moonlight was coming through what seemed to be a crack in the thick stone. The scent of rot and corrosion hit his nose making him gag, the heavy scent of iron and moss layering in on top of it all.

All of that had been what he expected, him hanging from the ceiling not shocking if not predictable. What he hadn't been ready for was when he had peeled his eyes fully open was it wasn't Sam or even Steve chained in a smaller cell across from him.

"Well sleeping beauty wakes, hows the head robo cop?" Bucky couldn't help the 'fuck' that rattled through his brain. The person in the cell was none other than Tony Stark, why the fuck would Stark be here? It didn't make sense, the man hated his guts, well hate was a strong word maybe. The billionaire and him had a somewhat truce, a hesitant peace treaty if you will. Meaning they agreed to stay away from each other when at all possible, Thanos had been enough to get that much and Bucky was okay with the unspoken agreement. He had killed the guys parents after all; not on purpose but seeing Bucky's face had to be hard for a number of people so he strayed away. He didn't need many people, his fiancé? Yes, Steve and his wife? Yes, he even needed Sam if he was honest about it he was his friend. That was all he needed in the world and if he had to avoid most everyone else? So be it, he could live with that. So why the ever living fuck was Stark across from him?

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