Peter Parker: Along Came A Spider

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Spider- Man. Wall-Crawler. Web-Head. Vigilante. Hero. Son. Nephew. Boyfriend. Peter Parker.

Peter was known by so many names and with all those names came an added weight with them. He may have super strength but with all he had on his shoulders it was a wonder he didn't crumble underneath the burdens the 20 year old carried. Peter had seen more pain and strife then most people his age would see in their lifetimes, but that's how most heroes and villains come about. Out of ashes beauty will rise, with great power comes great responsibility.

Peter was a shy person without his mask, not liking to show himself to others he didn't know. He was also good at hiding things, like when he was hurting both physically and mentally. There had been only 3 people in his life that could tell when something was bothering him. And Ben was gone...Gwen was gone...2 people he cared about so damn much and they were gone...forever and after that he couldn't go to his Aunt May...he couldn't do that to her. He couldn't loose her to, so Peter was very alone. And that was something he was going to have to deal with, because SpiderMan had to be alone...and Peter couldn't hurt anyone else he cared about.

That was why he was in trouble now, that was why he was trying desperately to climb a wall but he hurt everywhere. Because Peter Parker was alone, and no one was going to save him...and it all started with coffee...


"Ow! Ah dang flabbit!" Peter looked down at his shirt that was now covered in hot New York coffee. That stuff had been got to, very hot and he was sure he would have a burn there. Good thing he healed fast, that didn't mean of course he wasn't pissed off with the fact he was covered in coffee. People were just rude, that guy didn't even say sorry. Okay so he might be having a bad day, it had been almost a year and half since Gwen had passed away and life was still moving on even if Peter was struggling to move with it.

Truth was he still loves Gwen Stacy, with everything he had and it hurt to even think about her. He had become SpiderMan again for her and yet he wondered if he had made the right choice.

He has no plans really today as it was his day off and school was out for the summer. Ah the college life, so Peter ducked into the closest ally and shed his everyday clothes and shot a web into the air. He was shot into the air with incredible speed and grace as he web slinged from one of the city to the other. This is true freedom, this was better then anything he had felt in a long time.

Maybe it was because he had been thinking so hard that he didn't see the trouble until his spider sense went through the roof and he was tackled onto the neighboring building roof. Peter was jarred but jumped to his feet anyway.

Kraven the Hunter. Oh just peachy this guy was crazy! Then his senses went off again and he whirled around just in time to duck as a tentacle tried to crush him. And Doc Oc just great, Peter jumped as a sonic wave threatened  to pulverized him! Oh boy Shocker was here to it shouldn't have surprised Peter that Lizard and Sandman and Mysterio were there as well.

Oh boy the Sinister Six, great way to start his day.

"Come now spider I want to sink my teeth into you!" Came the snarl from Kraven as he looked over SpiderMan on the wall above him.

"Oh that sounds likes so much fun fuzzy puss, but being crazy animal mans lunch isn't on my itinerary." Peter said with a large about of sass in his words.

"Bests be carful wall crawler, that mouth will be the end of you." Came the cool voice of Doctor Octopus, that guy was just as crazy don't let his slippery words fool you.

"Okay you and Loki should get together with all your tho's and such." Peter felt his spider sense go haywire then and didn't move fast enough as Mystero sank a knife into his shoulder from behind. The one before him vanished, it had been a trick.

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