Bucky: Broken But Getting up

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Broken but not beaten, knocked down but getting up, shattered but fixable.

That sentence is something Bucky has learned with his time with the Avengers. If he ever got stressed out or in the grips of a PTSD attack he would say those words to calm his fast beating heart.

This new time, this new age was something he still had trouble getting used to. Sometimes he just wanted to go to a Dodgers game but then he'd remember they were in L.A. now. And yet here he was, still frozen in time.

It was days like today that were hard, the slow easy wet New York days. Ones that consist of lazy comfortable clothes and home movies with warm drinks. Most people find comfort in days like today for him it made him restless and uneasy. He likes to have things to do to distract him from the demons the plagued  his mind, terrorized his dreams to the ends when sleep was a memory.

So when he looked out the window and saw it was raining and cool and wet outside his heart sank. Steve was coming back with the team today and he really had wanted to be out when they got here, maybe that was why he left the tower anyway. His hat and hood protecting him from the down pour...well mostly anyway.

His mind was racing as fast as Pietro could run, all the thought that plagued his mind mad his jaw clench and body tense. Thought about Hydra, thought about the chair, thought about pain...so much pain. But then...other thoughts seeped through the darkness, thoughts of a man with a booming laugh and a bowler hat...a woman small but kind with dark hair like his...NYC so very long ago. Then a small blue eyed punk that never ran from a fight, until the end of the line. A time long gone, memories long forgotten but they were slowly making their way back into the 40's born mans mind. Like a small child taking his or her first steps.

It might've been because he was off his game, might've been because the rain was so loud and it might've been because he was so deep in thought or a mix of all of them. Either way someone got the drop on him and next thing he knew he was in the all his hat knocked off. Bucky quickly gathered his thoughts as he looked around, easily 16 men stood all around him in the pouring rain. Hydra...their symbol plain as day is to night on their sleeves, his hair was sticking to his head as his body clenched into defense mode. 16 to 1...not fair odds...for them.

The stand off lasted only a few more seconds before they made their move, like a fire taking light his skills took over and for a while he was pretty sure he was going to win. That was before one of the goons got a lucky shot to his legs getting him off balance. That was all they needed, they were on him like a hungry pack of wolves.

Bucky was loosing track of where he was being hit, only landing a few punches himself. But it was when pain exploded in his left arm did he scream. It was red hot and a blinding kind of pain and all of a sudden the rest of the hurt didn't matter. His arm....they had taken his arm and they took it forcefully, the pain so great it made him curl into a ball. He was vaguely aware of voices speaking.

"This is the great Winter Solider?"



"Should we kill him?"

"No leave him to suffer, this is a far worse fate then death." With that the voices stopped but not without another swift kick to Bucky's already tender belly and chest. Then there was no sounds at all, just the rain and the thunder above him. Bucky knew he needed help...he knew he was in big trouble...very slowly with his flesh hand he reached into his jeans pocket...gasping for the air that was being knocked out of his lungs. Pulling the small round devise out, he pressed the button and held.

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