Tony: Matters of the Heart

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The Arc Reactor, that tiny blue circle in his chest was the wall in between life and death for Tony Stark. Sure it was cool looking and it sounded cool but in truth it really wasn't, sometime it was just a plain pain in the butt.

Of course THE Tony Stark would never let on to such a thing. If there was one thing he hates it was pity, you might not think that the way he acts sometimes but it's the truth he truly hates pity.

So when a mission goes terribly wrong and Tony is forced to make a split second decision that could very well end up with his death or very least his team knowing the truth about his Arc makes for a very good story...And it all started with a poker game....


"That's it I'm out!" Clint said dropping his cards with a huff, it was Tuesday night at the Avengers tower and the men of the group had decided to play a friendly game of poker but knowing the competitive streak of all the men it was no wonder it ended up in a death match.

Tony laughed out right at Clint, Tony liked Clint he was a good friend and the two of them tended to make trouble wherever they went. Tony took a sip from his glass, his eyes scanning the team around him, Thor was loud and boisterous and liked pop tarts WAY too much. But he was kind like a huge Great Dane, a gentle giant with his hammer and flowing cape.

Then there was Dr. Bruce Banner, he was shy and for a guy that had a rage monsters on speed dial he was the most calm person Tony knew. Never raising his voice and always would say reason whenever you in a jam Bruce was the best to ask for help. Plus he was the honorary doctor of the team, most of the Avengers wanting Bruce to look him over then a quote on quote REAL doctor.

Then of course there was Natasha Romanoff, the Black Widow, she gave of the 'silent but deadly' vibe and truth be told he still was on edge about her. But she had proven that when she wanted to she could be kind, she was smart and quick as a whip and would shoot anyone between the eyes of they messed with them. And wouldn't hesitate to defend them, he knew she has his back.

Tony's eyes shifted to the new group that has joined theres, the Maximoff twins some of them. While Wanda was calm and secretive Pietro was loud and full of energy. The two of them stayed close to Clint as he was practically there adoptive father. It was clean how young these kids were but still ran full force into battle.

Then there was Falcon aka Sam Willson he was the most even minded person Tony had ever met and it was kinda creepy how he could read you. Like he was a mind reader or something, he had come in handy when they found Barnes.

Ah then there was Barnes, the dark lord of the Sith. That's what he had called him when the ex-assassin had stumbled into their lives. But as he stayed longer Tony saw glimpses of the true Bucky Barnes. Bucky was funny and loved to poke fun at you he and Tony could go at it for hours and never grow tired much to Steve's dismay.

Of course can't forget Stars and Stripes himself, the Star-Spangled-Man-With-A-Plan. And far too many other nick names. He was a symbol of what they were fighting for with his brightly colored uniform and just plain goodness. Steve was always concerned and always worried about everyone else other then himself and it was almost comical how angry it made both Bucky and Sam. Tony had laughed when Sam and Bucky had teamed up to get Steve to admit he was hurt.

Yup this was his team and he was happy about it. He trusted least so he thought. His head traveled to his Arc Reactor, his thumb rubbing it feeling the coolness of the material. It had been acting strange lately. He wake up in a cold sweat from pain in his chest, of course it was gone by morning so he ignored it but it had been happening more often and he was starting to worry he wouldn't be able to hide it. Why was he hiding? He didn't really know maybe it was because he was surrounded by super powers people and he was just little Tony Stark and he hated it.

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