Steve: Hiden Pain (Civil War Spoilers)

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Steve was gasping for air as he dropped his shield not looking back at Tony. His whole world shook with pain and effort as he helped Bucky stagger along.

Steve really didn't know what he was going to do or where he was going to go. He really didn't, all he knew was he had fought of his best friends and it killed him inside.

He heard Bucky gasp as his flesh hand gripped Steve a bit harder, he couldn't imagine the pain he was in. He easily had broken rips and enough cuts that would make a tiger jealous of his stripes. Steve glanced over at what was left of Bucky's metal arm, 2 times in one life time that was luck for YA.

The cold was bitter and bone shaking, he really hated the cold. Bucky stumbled and almost took Steve down with him, Steve grasped for anything he could and was surprised when an arm held him up before he could fall. Steve turned to meet the brown eyes of T'challa, Steve reeled back trying to prepare for another fight but almost fell again trying to hold Bucky's weight.

"At ease Captain I do not wish to harm you or your friend." T'challa said in an even voice not wearing his helmet as he helped support the injured man.

"Since when?" Spat Bucky in a rasp, he looked like he was about to pass out. Tony had really done a number on him, Steve watched the king carefully looking for dishonesty.

"Since I learned the truth Mr. Barnes, you were a victim as was my father, while I may not be able to save my father I am able to help you Sargent." Steve locked eyes with the Wakondaion, he saw no malice in them and only saw the truth.

"You'll help us?" Steve said feeling the adrenaline starting to fade and his body about to give up on him.

"I will do anything and everything I can to aid you Captain." T'challa said, Steve believed him and let the other man take Bucky in his arms and help them into the Panthers jet. Steve grunted as he sat on the floor his friend laid out on all of the chairs since they had no bed.

Bucky was wheezing for air and panther came over to him laying his hand on the base of the 40's boys neck doing something that made Bucky let out a breath and close his eyes. Steve watched as T'challa moved around to take a better look at his friend.

Steve was tired, a bone deep tired that made you head spin and your bones ache. It had been a long week, his mind was drifting and ever so slowly he shut his eyes and drifted off to sleep.


Once they landed in Wakanda Bucky was rushed into medical, Steve a few steps behind to make sure his friend didn't freak out. While Bucky was in medical which Steve bad refused saying he was fine just superficial wounds and that he would heal.

Steve learned where his team was being held and told T'challa he had to go rescue them. T'challa understood completely and offered to help break his friends out of jail. Steve seeing said jail boiled his blood even more so when he saw Wanda tied up with a collar around her neck that Panther made quick work of. Or Sam with the nasty black eye that he knew was cause by the men that had taken them into custody.

It made Steve boil with anger, their escape was far from easy but they did get away and were now safe in Wakanda. Steve was dirt tired and felt all of his injuries now, what he wanted to know was why they hadn't healed by now? Maybe it was just because he was so tired, maybe all he needed was a good night sleep or a few days and nights even though Steve knew he wouldn't sleep that long.

Steve excused himself while getting looks from Sam and Clint. Steve just shot them his 'I'm fine, don't worry' smile.

Steve walked down the long hall of the palace where his room was, Steve found himself curling his arm around his midsection where he been both punched and blasted by Iron Man's repulsers.

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