Chapter 37

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*Alyssa's POV*

Niall and I spent the next day laying in my bed, ordering fatty foods, and watching bad comedy shows. It rained that whole day and it was one of those times that the weather affected one's mode. It was cloudy and we were lazy.

That night, however, was a little different. Niall left at about seven saying that he had a few friends in New York that he promised he would visit when he could.

"When will you be back?" I asked feeling like some naggy girlfriend that guys always complain about.

He shrugged and pulled on his sweats since neither of us changed out of what we wore to bed. In Niall's case: boxers. "Not sure." He answered. "It probably won't be until early this morning but I'll come back in here with you. Promise. Just keep your door unlocked for me?"

I smiled at the sincere look etched across his face and nodded. "Okay."

He grabbed his shirt and pulled it over his head as well and then wandered over to me. He kissed my lips without hesitation, which took me by surprise, and I giggled against his lips when he pushed me back against the bed. I wrapped my arms around his neck and he pulled his lips from mine a few centimeters.

"I'll see you later. Okay?" He told me.

"Okay." He gave me a quick kiss and the next thing I knew, he was walking out of my room, the door clicking closed behind him. I sighed in boredom and thought about what it would be like if Niall and I ever became a couple. Hell, we act like it half the time and we spent all of last night telling people that we were newlyweds.

Wow. Just the thought of me and Niall actually becoming a couple gave me butterflies in my stomach, even though he's already told me that he doesn't date, just fucks.

I guess it's probably a good thing that we would never be able to date anyways. That would give my dad a heart attack if I walked in the house with someone like Niall, what with all the piercings and tattoos. He probably would look at just the outer appearance without getting to know him, just like I had done the first time I met him.

What if I knew my brother and then I'd have to go through with the whole brother inspection, too? Now I really want to know him. Maybe I should look up my brother? Like on Facebook or something?

Without another thought, I opened my Facebook app and typed his name into the search bar. Unfortunately for me, there we multiple Cole Davis' and I wasn't sure which one he could have been. However, I do remember that the people that adopted him were from California so all I had to do was look for one that said something about being from California. I found two that were and guessed that it wasn't going to be the one that was bald and looked around the age of fifty.

I sent him a friend request and then sat back, hoping he would accept it sometime soon because I was bored out of my mind at the moment.

While I waited, I remembered the secret thing I was hiding under my pillows. I put my phone away and turned around on my bed. I pulled it out from under the many pillows I buried it under and read the page I was on, but not before taking a deep breath.

Happily — Dedicated to Alyssa Small

You don't understand

You don't understand

What you do to me when you hold his hand

We were meant to be

but a twist of fate

made it so we had to walk away

Cuz we're on fire

We are on fire

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