Chapter 19

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*Niall's POV*

I ran a hand through my hair for the umpteenth time and sighed. When was she going to be back already? I sighed and kept pacing the floor of her hotel room. Left then right then back to the left, stop to run a hand through the hair, sigh, and then return to the right side and repeat. That was my routine and has been for the past tenish minutes. The sooner she was back in her hotel and away from that monster, the happier I would be.

"So I'll call you tomorrow when I wake up?" I heard her voice from just outside of the room. My head snapped to look at the mahogany door as if I would see through it and watch what was going down. I crept over to it and looked through the peephole. Still couldn't really see because of the weird curve to the glass.

"I'll give you a good morning text when I wake up which will probably be before you wake up just because you're a lazy person." I heard her giggle before I heard a hitting noise. "Just kidding. I'll talk to you tomorrow, beautiful."

"Ok." I heard her say before I heard a kissing noise. "Bye." She whispered and I could faintly hear him return it.

My breaths were long and loud and I quickly opened the door fuming. Alyssa looked up at me but didn't even jump. "What the hell was that?!" I asked.

She rolled her eyes and walked past me into the room. "Well, hello to you, too, Ni." She said taking off her jacket and placing it around the chair at the desk.

"Where have you been?!" I slammed the door shut and crossed my arms.

"Sorry, dad. I was just out with Corbin." She rolled her eyes and I was getting more pissed off by the second.

"You are never seeing him again." I spoke shortly but sternly.

"Seriously, just because my father is in Indiana doesn't mean you can act like him in California."

I bit my tongue and ran a hand through my hair again. I was meant to protect her, but she is not making this easy on me in the least possible way. She was walking right into the monster's mouth and it was only a matter of time before his jaw snapped shut and I was right back where I started just because I couldn't save one fucking girl. It shouldn't be this hard, but it is. Why is she so stubborn? Maybe if I told her everything - the truth - then maybe she would understand the importance of everything. I couldn't tell her though, it was part of the deal. I was to protect her while leaving her in the dark and make sure she doesn't get hurt. All I could do was tell her to stay away from him and I couldn't tell her why. She wouldn't believe me if I told her the truth, anyways. I wouldn't even know where to start.

"Niall?" She called taking me out of my thinking.


"You were just kind of like... zoned out."

"Oh. Sorry. What were we talking about?"

"Me being out with Corbin?"

"Oh yeah. Just stay away from him. Okay? I need you to. I can't tell you why, but you just have to stay away from him."

She crossed her arms and propped her nose in the air. Oh boy. Here comes her rejection and independency. "I'm not staying away from my boyfriend."

My face fell and my heart sunk. "Your what?"

She kept her nose in the air. "You heard me."

Yup. I'm dead. I'm going back to where I came from and he will have my ass for this. I had to come up with some way to fix this before anyone important were to find out about it.

"Alyssa." I spoke very slowly trying to remain calm. "You don't know him. He's not the man you think he is." Then again, neither am I; but at least I'm on the good side.

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