Chapter 24

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*Alyssa's POV*

"Just so you know, I'm going to kick his ass for the third time this month." Niall said making my eyes jerk back open to see Flo from the Progressive commercials on the screen. I hummed as if to ask Niall who he was going to kick the ass of. I was super tired since it had been one hell of a day and I was just ready to fall asleep while feeling safe in Niall's arms. "Corbin. I'm going to kick his ass again." He yawned.

"No you're not." I yawned back covering my mouth.

"Give me one good reason I shouldn't." He tightened his arms around my back and placed his wet head on mine. Both of our heads were still slightly damp from the shower, even now, a few hours later.

"Maybe because you could end up in jail?" I stated the obvious and closed my eyes again nuzzling my face in his bare chest.

"No I won't. If he's smart- wait, never mind. You're right. He's not smart, therefore, I will end up in jail." He half joked and I just nudged him in the chest.

"Promise me you won't hurt him." I looked up at him and made sure to make eye contact even if we were in a dark room, besides the television.

"Alyssa, I-"

"Niall." I warned giving him a look. "Pinky promise." I held my pinky up and he just started at it for a few seconds before finally wrapping his bigger pinky firmly around mine making me smile.

"I pinky promise." He whispered keeping our pinkies around each other while I just smiled up at him. "Now stop staring at me like that." His eyes didn't leave mine and mine didn't leave his like he had requested.

"Like what?" I innocently batted my eyelashes at him. 

"Like I just saved a kitten from crossing a busy road." He groaned and finally looked away while I just giggled. I pulled my pinky back and just snuggled my face back into his chest while I listened to the television and the new commercial that had just came on talking about heart burn.

"You're not as bad boy as you appear." I yawned closing my eyes.

"Only when I'm around you."

My eyes opened and I looked up at him confused. "Why would you only act like this when you're with me?"

"Reasons." He shrugged.

"Like...?" I pressed.

He sighed an shook his head. "Can't tell you that."

I scoffed and rolled my eyes. "So you're saying you can't tell me why you would only act like a sweet guy around me and then act like some runaway bad boy around your friends?"

He nodded his head. "Trust me, you probably wouldn't believe me if I told you." He moved his attention back to the television, but I was far from done with this conversation. He's my friend so why would he hide stuff from me? He can trust me. I mean, I trust him and I tell him things... most things. I remember the time he asked me why I wanted to become a model and I didn't feel like I could tell him simply because of everything that I would be revealing if I told that story. I would be, basically, telling the whole story of my life - giving out all of my weaknesses, my insecurities, any family secrets, any personal secrets, and just stuff about my life that I am determined to take to the grave with me.

"Try me." I spoke to Niall, giving him a look telling him I was dead serious. He, however, didn't meet my eyes like I had hoped and he just kept staring at the television. It was currently on Duck Dynasty and I knew Niall wasn't really watching it since he told me before that he hates this show. It's only on this channel because I like it and he let me turn it here after I reminded him that it was my hotel room.

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