Cloudy's Apology

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Amy ended up falling asleep just in time for me to turn the lights off and make my way to the park. In the darkness that was only broken by the light touch of the moon, I wondered how my life turned out like this. How I ended up with romance even on my mind with these people. I shook the headache out of my head.

Sitting impatiently on the park bench, I watched Cloudy walk up slowly. He looked like the male version of me, dressed in all black and wearing his hoodie enough to cover his eyes. As he sat down, he sighed and turned to me with apologetic eyes.

"I swear to God I didn't mean to fall for you the way I did,"

"That seems to be happening to everyone lately." I chuckled, but in an awkward "I hate my life" way. Cloudy smiled in the corner of his lip.

"Truth be told, I had a girlfriend... but she was killed to get at me by the Hawks,"

"The Hawks?" My jaw dropped. Cloudy closed his eyes and put his hand on my thigh as his elbow leaned onto his knee.

"A rival gang that my Wolves disbanded years ago. When I had just turned 15, we reached our 4th year together."

"You were in a relationship at 11 Cloudy?!" He nodded.

"That's some shit isn't it?" He shook his head and stared at a tulip like it was his late girlfriend in another life. It tugged at my chest, but I let him continue. " Our families knew each other, and were business partners. Fate just kind of did it's thing you know? She was my best friend,"

"I'm so sorry Cloudy,"

"She gave me that nickname to be honest. After I knocked someone out for looking at her ass," I didn't know what to say to that, so I fidgeted on the bench. He recognized my awkwardness and went back on topic. Crickets chirped behind us while the trees swayed in the breeze.

He bit his lip before opening his mouth, "How do you feel about Jinx?"

My face twisted. "Why?"

"Do you know he loves you?"

I nodded. Thoughts rolled back in forth in my head. I just wanted to vent, but it's rude to vent about someone else to someone who doesn't need to hear it. Cloudy sighed. I guess my silence answered his question. " I realize now why I like you so much. You remind me of her,"

"How so?"

"Your hair is similar to hers. Curly, jet black and long. Your attitudes are the same. You're loyal, uncaring and yet caring at the same time, and you're an addictive natural born leader." His eyes shone in the moonlight. I felt my heart skip a beat while he looked at me. "Not to mention you joined my gang and helped us out so much... I guess it was inevitable,"

What do you say to a confession? I never knew how to react to shit like this. I realized, as we sat there in silence, how alike we truly were. How we were both fighters who lost ones we loved when trying to do exactly what we loved most. How we fight for love even though it fought back twelve times harder. I sighed.

I looked down, and Cloudy's hand moved from my thigh to my hand. He gripped it like I was dying on a deathbed. "I don't care if you don't love me back, Mixie, but don't abandon me and the Wolves," tears welled up in his eyes.

"I'll say I'm sorry every day for the rest of my life if it means I can still be in yours,"

I shook my head, so moved and touched that I couldn't help it. I let him kiss me.

Maybe I just like kissing now, I don't fucking know. Damn, I feel like a hoe.

His kiss was sweet and careful, like he was trying not to harm me. He caressed my chin with his thumb and tucked his fingers under my ear. As we pulled away, he smiled halfheartedly. "Thanks for humoring me,"

"I do like you Cloudy, I just don't know how to go about it," I bit my lip. "It feels forced, like I should and shouldn't be with you at the same time,"

He smiled once again before getting off the bench and walking away with his hands in his hoodie pockets,

"I think you already know where your heart is."

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