Death Train

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We walked to the nearby rail line (Everything is right next to each other over here) and waited for the train to take off. With student passes, the train was free.

"This is a weird train." I commented. The seats were luxurious, coated with a dark blue and purple seating, seatbelts for your waist, and small trays to put snacks and drinks in. It was almost like a car ride. They even had one bathroom all the way in the back of the train. Shit was fancy.

"So how far are we going?"

"Six stops down." Amy answered. I was prepared to chill, to actually lay back and get some sleep, maybe for the next few stops or so. Todd wouldn't care if I slept on him. At least I don't think so.

Two stops down, a man entered the train.

He wore one of those sherlock holmes jackets, colored jet black and reaching down to his very feet. He kept his hands in his pockets, and jutted eye contact from person to person. I unbuckled my seatbelt, and nudged Amy.

"Get ready to move." She raised an eyebrow, unaware that creep guy was still even there. Todd unbuckled his seatbelt and quickly shuffled to the opposite side of the train. The man didn't sit, even though there was plenty of open seats. Amy finally understood, and moved with Todd. I reached in my hoodie, searching for the one thing that I brought with me. My training gloves.

"What are you doing?" Amy asked.

"I don't trust that guy. He has no business wearing that hot ass coat outside."

"Says the one who's wearing a fucking hoodie."

"Shut up. Just stay low."

He shifted his eyes a couple more times, looking as if he was searching for a certain person. Then, he locked his eyes on a young woman and a little girl. He slowly approached them, and grabbed the young woman by the neck, lifting her to the ceiling of the train. He slammed her against the roof, making the train shake on it's sides. The woman cried out, followed by the whines of the little girl, who I'm assuming is her daugher. The man started to scream at her.

"Why did you take my daughter?! You bitch you don't deserve her! I fucking proposed, you carried my child! Then you fuck my brother?! " People got up to try to stop him. Even Amy was about to rise, but I heard a click in his pockets.

"GET THE FUCK BACK!" He pulled out a 9mm, pointing it around the train. People fell under the seats, crying and praying for their lives. The woman pleaded with the crazy dickhead, but he refused to listen to anyone but himself.

"I don't care about your bitchy situation! She is my little girl, and I'm taking her back!" He pointed the gun to the woman's chin, and looked right at the little girl. She cried for her mother, along with the cries of the people on the train.

"He's going to kill her!" Todd whispered. I lowered my gaze, strapping on my weighted gloves.

"No, he's not." I placed my hands evenly on the train floor, feeling out the ground under me.The heartbeats of the people around me. The heavy breathing of the atmosphere. The nerves in the feet of the man. I crawled forward.

The man took the safety off the gun. The little girl jumped out of her seat, banging at the side of him, but he pushed her away. The woman's face turned red as she leaked tears. He was choking her. I crawled faster, lighter, I was almost at his coat.

"Today, you fucking die, bitch." His voice got low, and people cried in agony for him to let her go. I stood up, and with all the force in my body, punched the shit out of his back. And with my right hand, before he could pull the trigger, grabbed his wrist and twisted the gun out of his hand and snuggly between my fingers. He fell to the floor, bent back into an "n" shape. The woman fell to the floor, crying on her knees, hugging her kid as she ran to her.

"Holy fucking shit. Holy fucking shit." I heard people say. The train pulled up to the next stop, and Todd pressed the button for police on the window. I took the one bullet out of the gun, throwing it to the wayside. The man was damn near unconscious now, twitching his legs. Police arrived about two minutes later, picking up the man and examining him. They congratulated me on my good work, and took him away.

"Oh my god..." The woman whined, holding her child even tighter. I walked over to her. "T-thank you... You saved m-my life..." I nodded, throwing off my gloves and placing them in my pocket. People got up from the floor, some walked off the bus. Others sat back down. Within five minutes or so, things had settled back down. The traumatized people of the bus prayed, or looked out the window, until their stops came along. I sat back with Amy and Todd, who looked at me with their jaws wide open.

"Do you plan on sucking the train of air or..." I laughed at them, where they both looked at each other like I was crazy.

"You just kept a man from killing a woman and you don't even care?" Todd asked, dumbfounded.

"I fought people with weapons all the time. It's not a big deal to me. Fighting is what I lived for." I stated, simply slouching back into my seat.

"How did you bend his body like that?" Amy asked.

"I punched his spine."

"Is it broken?"

"Probably in some places."

Todd and Amy exhaled , eyes still wide open, and sat back in their seats, too.

"We're friends with fucking Batman."

 I laughed.   

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