Chapter 11

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Baekhyun POV

"Uh... Chanyeol and Baekhyun? Mr Lee wants to see the both of you." One of our colleagues came over and told us.

"Oh sure!" Chanyeol replied smiling, as usual. We stood up and walked to his office together. My heart was beating really fast and it felt like there were thousands of butterflies in my stomach.

"Chanyeol... What if he is going to shout at me again? I really done my best in that new case? What if he is not happy with it?" I said worriedly.

"Hey, don't worry too much ok? It's fine. Plus, he can't be scolding you only right? He called me in too." Chanyeol comforted, I just nodded as he patted my back.

Chanyeol knocked on the door while I waited behind. "Come in." Mr lee said and Chanyeol opened the door with me following timidly behind.

"Ok so first, great work Chanyeol. The client was very satisfied with your decisions. Good." Mr Lee said smiling as he passed a file to Chanyeol.

"Thank you sir." Chanyeol bowed and smiled.

"Now Baekhyun." Mr Lee's smile faded away and my heart was thumping wildly again. I think it's going to fall out of my ribcage anytime.

I bit my lower lip and braced for what's going to come.

"Redo this entire thing! Are you sure this is the best you can do? I am sure the client can benefit much more than this! Why don't you get anything right!" Mr Lee shouted and threw the file at me.

I flinched as the file came in contact with me. I bent down to pick it up, holding back my tears. "Stay strong Baekhyun. Don't cry." I said to myself in my head.

"Sorry. I-I will d-do it again." I stuttered.

"You better do it right this time. Now you both are dismissed." Mr Lee said as we bowed before leaving.

"You alright?" Chanyeol asked the moment we were out of that horrible office.

"Y-yeah. I'm fine." I said and forced a smile.

"Yah! I know you are not fine! Let me help you again." Chanyeol said with a smile.

"Aniya! I don't want to bother you. You have your own work right?" I rejected his offer.

"Hmm... Currently I don't have any cases since I completed this. I'll help you!" Chanyeol insisted and took the file away from me.

I just smiled and followed behind him. Chanyeol-ah, I am just falling deeper for you.

"See, this doesn't even benefit the client completely. I mean, your client can receive much more compensation then this." Chanyeol explained.

"How? I mean, that bastard needs to go to jail and so this is the maximum compensation my client can get." I asked.

Chanyeol chuckled. "Didn't your client specify that he didn't want to go to court if possible?" Chanyeol asked and I nodded.

"But... Then guy wouldn't go to jail if we settle this out of court!" I pouted. I really wanted that bastard to go to jail.

"Baekhyun-ah, that's where you go wrong. You should never put your feelings into the case. No matter how much you want that person to go to jail, you must follow what your client wants. Since he said that he wanted a out of court settlement than you should arrange a time for both of them to meet up and try to fight for the maximum amount of compensation your client can get." Chanyeol explained. After listening to his explanation, I better understand everything.

"Gomawo Chanyeol! But I still feel angry that he doesn't go to jail!" I whined.

Chanyeol let out a laugh. "Alright, after work, I'll bring you to a place where you can release all you problems."

"Where?" I asked curiously.

He gave me a smile smile. "Secret! You will know later. Now go redo your case!" He said and stuck put his tongue. 

"Fine!" I pouted and went to my desk to continue my work. I was really excited about where Chanyeol would bring me to after work.

Why must you make me fall deeper in love with you when I can't have you yet.....

Okay I'm not sure how a lawyer works and srsly everything up there was just bullshit HAHAHAH so if there's anything wrong or wtv just feel free to tell me! I'm always open to learn new stuff! Well, just phrase in a nice way :)

Anyways, hope you had enjoyed and I barely found time to write this cuz school is getting really hectic. I just hv to get past the next 3 weeks!! ><

Alright until next time.....

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