thirty sixth skate: women's free program

Start from the beginning

"Woah did you see that!" I look at the screen and they replayed what had happened. The moment she was going for a jump she gets hit really hard by that other girl. I look back on the ice to see that she's still there lying on her side.

'No no no this can't be happening not to her.'

Your POV

I don't know what happen but all I know is that it hurt. My head hurt and I feel something going down my neck as well my head. I began to move so I can lay on my back.

'What happened I was going for a triple axle. The next thing I knew I'm on the floor in pain.'

"Hey are you alright!?"

"Someone please help her!" Those voices it's Sara and Mila. Why do they sound so worried? I could see people in bright colors but they helping someone.

"Come on we're going to help you up," Sara said her voice sound like she was scared. I try to get up on my own I as gain my balance back. My vision seems to come back as well so I remove my right glove and check to see what was on my neck only to see blood.

"Here let's help you get off the ice," Mila said as she and Sara grab one arm guided me out.

"I'm bleeding but how? What happened to cause me to bleed?" I asked.

"It's alright they'll explain it to you later for now go get yourself treated," Sara said as I nodded. The medics were there waiting for us.

"I think I can balance myself now thanks." They seem unsure but let me go but stick close in case I fell. Soon I heard clapping but I didn't care about that.

"It's alright we got you." One of the medics said as they took me to the back to clean my cut on my chin.

'Oh, so that's where the blood came from.'

"What happen?" I ask as one of them bandages up my head.

"Well, you and Hyun-Ok Han crash." One of the men said.

"Oh, how is she? Will, she'll be able to skate?" They seem unsure since the other medics are making sure she's alright.

"We don't know for sure how she's doing. Let's focus on you first, does anything else hurt?" They ask as I shook my head.

"No I was confused and I blanked out from what happened. Other than the cut and my head I feel fine." They seem unsure but I don't want to quit. At least not when I'm close to the final. Yuuri came in along with Lilia behind him.

"Is she alright? She didn't get anything broken or something?" He asked as they explain my current state.

"Well, she seems fine just a cut o her chin and bump on the head. She was lucky it wasn't and the blade that hit her." One of the men said as he came to me and hugged me.

"Yuuri don't cry I'm fine see." He seems to hug me tighter but I didn't mind. He was shaking this would the first time to see him like this.

"It's your call do you want to skate or not?" Lilia asked as I nodded.

"No, I won't allow you to go out there hurt." My brother said as I push him back.

"I'm not going to give up I want to go to the final." He was surprised that I was serious about skating in my condition. Yet he's fully aware that once I make up my mind it's the end of discussion.

"Alright, then they're going to restart the warm-ups. You should go back at least lower the difficulty for today." I nodded since I don't know if I could land the quads at the state. Then again I'm a bit stubborn when I want to be.

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