welcoming grayson

Start from the beginning

"You did fucking awesome, babe! I'm so fucking proud of you!" Mike says as he kisses PK a few times. 

"Holy shit, I can't believe I did that! Holy fuck!" PK says as he catches his breath, after having a huge adrenaline rush.

"But you did, baby! You did awesome! Let me call the paramedics, okay? I don't think I can transport you to the hospital like this." Mike says to PK.

"Yeah, I rather go by an ambulance. Don't wanna mess your car up!" PK says making Mike laugh.

Mike calls the paramedics while PK admires their new baby boy. 

"You are so handsome! You have a lot of hair too, no wonder I had heartburn all day everyday." PK whispers to Grayson.

Mike smiles at PK and Grayson together. Mike hangs up with 911 and the paramedics are on the way.

"Holy crap it's a mess in here!" Mike says as he looks at the bathroom in horror.

"It does! It looks like a damn crime scene in here!" PK says as he laughs loudly.

"He is wide awake. Hi, buddy! You are a cutie! I guess we will keep you!" Mike says playfully making PK laugh.

"Are all the hospital bags packed?" PK asks Mike softly.

"Mhm! Everything is in the car! You feel okay?" Mike asks PK, playing with PK's hair.

"I just feel sore, but that's normal. I feel great other wise! Thank you for coaching me through this. I don't know what I would have done without you." PK says as he and Mike kiss softly and smile at each other.

"What a crazy birth vlog this will be, my goodness." Mike says making PK giggle.

"Definitely! He is so cute. Aww." PK says looking down at Grayson.

"He looks just like you, babe." Mike says, softly kissing Grayson's cheek.

"Really? I see a lot of you actually." PK says softly.

Mike kisses PK's forehead and holds a cup a water for him.

"I'm so thirsty! Thank you, babe." PK says as he takes a few sips of water.

The paramedics have arrived and are checking on PK and Grayson. Grayson begins to cry as the paramedics check him.

"Aw, I'm sorry buddy! I'm sorry! You can hang out with Daddy after we are done checking on you! Lungs and heart sound great! He's a healthy boy!" Paramedic Bri says happily and wraps Grayson in a warm blanket.

"Awesome job, Papa! Not many people get to experience helping their partner give birth! You did great!" Paramedic Brittany says with a big grin.

"Thank you! I was a firefighter so I learned a few things." Mike says as he takes pictures of Grayson and PK for memories.

"He's a cute little guy! What's his name?" Paramedic Bri asks PK and Mike.

"Grayson Patrick. Patrick is after his dad." Mike says proudly and PK blushes.

"Happy birthday, Grayson! He decided he didn't wanna be born at the hospital, huh?" Paramedic Brittany says with a chuckle.

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