ask us anything q&a

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*PK and Mike answer questions during their Q&A! Send suggestions on what you wanna see! Love • Bree 🧡*

Mike and PK are sitting on their couch and they have the camera set up on a tripod. Mike and PK kiss twice and smile at each other. PK turns the camera on wave

"Hey, y'all! I'm Mike!" Mike says as he tickles PK.

"And I'm PK! Babe!" PK says, playfully smacking Mike making Mike stop tickling him.

"And you already know!" PK and Mike say in unison.

"So for today's video, we are going to do a Q&A because this week has been crazy with both of our jobs and we didn't have time to film a vlog! We ask y'all on Instagram for some questions so here we go!" Mike says as he pulls out his iPhone from his pocket.

"Oh! If you hear babbling in the background, it's just Blakelyn and Paisley! They are playing in the other room, so hopefully they aren't fighting! John is at preschool right now! The girls decided to skip on their nap today! Not sure what's up! Probably sleep regression. Hopefully they start napping again soon! Anyway, I'm off topic as always, let's get to the Q&A!" PK says as he grabs his iPhone.

• How is work going for you guys?
"Busy! Very busy! However, I love my job and I wouldn't change it for the world." Mike says as he kisses PK's hand.

"I have been so busy myself! However, I am so blessed that my job allows me to stay home with the kids and be with them so we don't need a baby sitter or daycare! I love being home with the kiddos." PK says as he whips his hair with sass.

• What do you guys do for punishment?
"This is a good question! We don't really talk about discipline much on here! Discipline is "controversial" on YouTube!" PK says as he giggles.

"We do time out for the most part but I have spanked John occasionally. Especially if he isn't listening and won't stay still for time out. I don't do it all the time. That's how I was raised so it's normal." Mike says.

"I think it is important to be on the same page with punishment. Mike will tell me if he thinks the kids need to be spanked or not. He doesn't just spank them and I don't know about it. I wasn't spanked growing up." PK says as Blakelyn screams happily in the background.

"Blakey! Shhh!" PK says as he giggles.

"John is four now, so he understands what punishment is and why it happens. However, the twins are still little, so they don't understand what punishment is just yet. But when they get older, they will be punished just like their brother is. They won't get treated different because they are girls." Mike says.

• What size clothes are the kids in? I wanna get the kids some cute clothes and send them to you guys!
"Aww! You don't have to get the kids anything! That's so sweet! Thank you so much! John loves to open up presents." PK says as Blakelyn and Paisley scream happily in the background.

"John is in a 3T in pants and 4T in shirts. He has a skinny waist and is tall so the shirts have to be longer. Actually, get his shorts in a 4T. What size in shorts, babe? PK knows the clothes sizes better then me!" Mike says as he chuckles.

"Mike doesn't shop for the clothes, I do! I would get 4T pants and shirts for John! The 3T shorts look a little too short on him now. The girls are currently in twelve month clothes but get them eighteen months in their clothes. They are having a growth spurt! And thank you for again for wanting to buy the kids clothes, it's so sweet!" PK says as Blakelyn and Paisley run behind the camera making PK laugh.

• Are the kids picky eaters?
"John isn't! John will eat pretty much anything we give him! He doesn't like broccoli but Mike sneaks it in sometimes. Usually John realizes it. But everybody has a food they don't like. John eats all kinds of veggies so he doesn't need to eat his broccoli." PK says as he Mike rolls his eyes.

"Broccoli is good he just needs to try it more! The girls are only fourteen months so they are still exploring different types of food! They don't really like steak! But they LOVE fruit and they love carrots! They love chicken, they love hot dogs. They kinda like hamburgers but if they have ketchup on them." Mike says as PK giggles.

"The girls aren't that picky either! I mean for fourteen month olds they aren't. Who knows they might get picky when they are older." PK says

"I'm sure they will be, knowing you are their Dad." Mike says with sass as PK playfully smacks him.

• What is a tv show the kids love to watch over and over?
"Blakelyn and Paisley are obsessed with Daniel Tiger's Neighborhood. The theme song is in my head all the time and I think I'm going to go crazy because of it." Mike says as PK laughs.

"They do LOVE Daniel. He is like their favorite character on there. It's like they have a crush on him or something." PK says as he lays his head on Mike's shoulder.

"They also love Sesame Street. Elmo and Abby are their favorites in there." Mike says as Paisley babbles in the background.

"John loves Paw Patrol! He loves Teen Titans GO. He like PJ Masks and he likes a lot of cartoons." PK says as Paisley giggles loudly.

"John is obsessed with football too! John loves football season. Mike records the games for him because John is usually asleep during the night games." PK says as Mike gives the camera a thumbs up.

• How is John doing in preschool?
"John is doing AMAZING! He is ahead of his peers and will be well prepared for kindergarten. He is four, so he will have another year of preschool before kindergarten! I can't believe our baby boy is almost in kindergarten! Just another year!" PK says with a frown.

"We need to work on writing his name with a pencil, holding the pencil currently and staying still! He also likes to interrupt people so we need to work on that. But his teacher thinks he is doing perfect. He is a smart little guy." Mike says as he smiles at PK.

• Is baby #4 coming soon?
"This question we get literally everyday, all day long!" PK says as Mike smiles.

"Yes, baby number four will be coming soon y'all!" Mike says happily as PK rolls his eyes.

"Mike wants to have this baby today and right now, I swear! Guys, I really do want another baby! I didn't think I would want one when I still pregnant with the twins. But, I have been having baby fever a lot lately." PK says as he smiles.

"I told him he would want another one! I told you, babe! I always wanted a big family. However, I do respect PK and his body. I know pregnancy is tough on his body so the decision is ultimately up to him since he is the one that gets pregnant and has to carry the baby." Mike says as he kisses PK.

"Mike is so sweet and he's so perfect. He always makes sure I am 100% ready to have a baby when we decide to try. And we have three beautiful kids! We won't tell you guys when we are trying for baby number four because I don't want pressure. I hope you guys understand! But, we will definitely tell you when we are pregnant!" PK says as Mike smiles ear to ear.

"That's all the questions for today! Thank y'all so much for watching and sending us these cool questions to answer! We love you guys!" Mike says as Blakelyn and Paisley walk over to Mike and PK.

"Hi, pretty girls! Come here! Sit with Papa and I!" PK says as the girls sit on their laps.

Paisley sits on Mike's lap while Blakelyn sits on PK's lap.

"Da da." Blakelyn says softly as she lays her head on PK's chest.

"Oh now you are sleepy." PK says as he kisses Blakelyn's cheek.

Paisley yawns and lays her head on Mike's chest.

"I think it's time to put these girls down for a n-a-p." PK whispers as he smiles at the camera.

"Don't forget to smile!" Mike says softly.

"Because it's worth it! Love you guys! See you next time!" PK says as he and Mike wave at the camera.

"Ba ba ba ba ba." Blakelyn and Paisley say in unison as they yawn.

PK and Mike put the girls down for a nap and relax until it was time to get John from preschool! :)

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