our little pumpkin: it's ensley's 1st birthday

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*The Creedon-Van Reekum's celebrate Ensley's first birthday! Send suggestions on what you wanna see! Love • Bree 💖🧡🤍*

Today is Ensley's first birthday!

Today, is October 21st and Ensley Patricia Creedon-Van Reekum has officially turned one years old!

Today is also Ensley's first birthday party which is a pumpkin themed since Ensley's birthday is ten days before Halloween!

PK and Mike have been extremely busy all night long getting the Creedon-Van Reekum house all decked out anything pumpkin for Ensley's birthday the next day! 

PK and Mike have been extremely busy all night long getting the Creedon-Van Reekum house all decked out anything pumpkin for Ensley's birthday the next day! 

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"Do you think Ensy will like everything we made and set up for her birthday party, babe?" PK asks Mike softly and Mike nods.

"I think she will, babe! I think she really will honestly! She really loves birthday cake and any type of party decorations too!" Mike says as making PK giggle and smile.

"That's true! Ensley is a party girl and she loves to be center of attention!" PK says as he and Mike both giggle.

"Oh my gosh she is! Just like her big sisters!" Mike says and PK laughs again.

PK then hugs Mike and kisses him a few times and Mike hugs and kisses him back.

"She sure is! Let's go lay down and get some rest! Tomorrow is going to be a long and busy day!" Mike says as he kisses PK's baby bump making PK smile

"Addelyn, Wiley and Weston are all very excited for big sister's first birthday!" PK says as he smiles and Mike smiles back.

"Aww, so cute!" Mike says to PK happily.

"Come on, Beau! Come on Poppy! Let's go to bed!" Mike says as he, PK, Beau and Poppy all go upstairs and head to bed!

- The Next Day -

Today is the big party!

PK, Mike, John, Blakelyn, Paisley, Grayson and Ensley all just had breakfast together and they are now getting dressed and ready for the birthday party that is in a few hours!

Mike is styling both Blakelyn and Paisley's hair while John helps Grayson with his hair!

PK is currently getting Ensley dressed and ready for her big day!

"Da da da da!" Ensley says as happily kicks her legs and smiles up at PK, making PK smile back at her.

"Hi, baby! Are you excited for your birthday party and your birthday?" PK asks Ensley in a babyfied voice making Ensley smile.

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