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*Happy Halloween from the Creedon-Van Reekums! Thank you to Gsay77 for the costume help! Love • Bree 🐻*

Today is Halloween! It is one of the kid's favorite holidays! Well, it is one of John's favorites!

This is the first Halloween the girls are excited about! The girls are two and a half years old now and have been wanting to put their Halloween costumes on for days now.

Grayson doesn't really care about Halloween this year, since he is only two months old. But PK can't wait to put Grayson in his very first Halloween costume!

Mike is already off to work this morning and PK is up getting John ready for school. Blakelyn, Paisley and Grayson are still fast sleep in bed.

PK films John eating his breakfast, which is Lucky Charms cereal. Clearly you know Mike isn't home because Mike always makes the kids a healthy breakfast.

"Good morning, JJ!" PK says as he vlogs John.

"Good morning, Daddy!" John says as he happily waves at PK.

"What is today, bud?" PK asks John.

"HALLOWEEN!" John says with excitement.

"Halloween! That's right! Are you excited for your Halloween party at school today?" PK asks John.

"Yes! I'm so excited to eat a lot of candy and dance!" John says as he puts his cereal bowl in the sink.

"I bet you are! Let me show the camera your cool Halloween shirt!" PK says to John.

John poses, making PK giggle loudly.

*John's outfit*

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*John's outfit*

"There's my handsome boy! The kids can't wear their Halloween costumes to school but they can wear a fun Halloween shirt! JJ picked this Batman one! JJ, let's get going bud, the school bus will be here very soon!" PK says to John.

"Yay!" John says as he runs into the living room, grabbing his book bag and puts his shoes on.

"JJ loves riding the school bus, it is one of his favorite things about school so far!" PK says with a little giggle.

PK films a clip of John getting on the school bus and he waves goodbye to him.

"John is off to school and I think the other three kids are awake! I'll see you guys in a little bit!" PK says as he turns the camera off.

"Gooooooood morning, y'all! I am back again! And look who's awake!" PK says filming Grayson, Blakelyn and Paisley all together.

Grayson is in his bouncer swing on the table while Blakelyn and Paisley are sitting together eating their breakfast.

"Hi!" Blakelyn and Paisley say in unison as they wave at PK.

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