Chapter 11 - Hiding

Start from the beginning

  Peter popped the boot open of the car he was driving and pulled out a baseball bat; in his mid sixties he was still ruthless, he struck down a guy twice his size.

  Albert copped a few shots to the head sending him down. Mike was quick to step in and absorb any more hits, as well as throw some dangerous blows back. Three guys were giving Samuele the beating off his life, while Alonzo Junior and Salvatore tried to back him up but they were overwhelmed.

  Two carloads came to a screech either side of the driveways and two groups of Chuck’s finest joined in; led by Philip’s menacing figure. The enormous lieutenant made his way straight for Albert. Mike tossed his victim aside and braced himself for Philip. Sirens rang out before the two giants could collide.

  Elite police and normal city patrols surrounded the entire area locking it down. Bill Darsen led the charge gun out and vest on. The cops started breaking up fights and making arrests. Samuele was nabbed alongside Salvatore. When the patrol police approached Philip put his hands in the air, but either he was paying good money or they were just genuinely too scared to touch him.

  By the end of it the police only arrested a few Koreans and issued a few fines to people for illegal parking. Given that the Giuseppe family was there to attend a wake they were let off lightly; Salvatore and Samuele were released. The police tried to move Kim’s boys along as much as they could but they were hard to persuade especially with such large numbers.

  Albert cleaned himself up and walked behind the bar to see Tanya standing with the shotgun in her hands. He smiled, “What are you doing with that,” he said removing it and wrapping her in his arms.

  “Getting ready to come and slug some trouble makers,” she kissed his cheek, “My favourite after shave.”

  “Can I get a scotch?” he asked, innocently looking through his glasses. He still had little bits of blood on his lip.

  “Of course,” Tanya smiled, pulling down a small glass of the shelf.

  Albert rolled his eyes. Tanya knew exactly what he wanted and handed him the bottle.

  “Thank you my darling.” 

  Albert made his way into the back office leaving the door open for his three Generals to follow. Mike closed the door and sat right outside on a chair opposite Sin, who was caressing his bloodied knuckles.  Salvatore, Samuele, and Alonzo Junior joined security at the front for protection; even though there was still a heavy police presence. They could not afford to let any of the mourners get hurt.

  One by one the three generals filed into the office where Albert had poured them all drinks. Alonzo Senior, Carlos, and Benny all raised their glasses after Albert.

  “To Harold,” Albert said, touching glasses with the captains.

  “To Harold!” They cheered simultaneously.

  They drank their drinks and took seats around the large desk.  

  “This shit’s getting bad,” Benny sighed. He had dark rings under his eyes.

  Alonzo Senior put his hand on a teary Benny’s shoulder, “Sorry about Anthony.”

  “Yeah he was a good kid,” Carlos lied.

  “He was loyal,” Benny said, angrily popping a painkiller into his mouth and flushing it down with a scotch refill. The captain copped a good beating from the Koreans.

  “So what do we do now?” Alonzo Senior asked. 

  “Well obviously Chuck knows that we were trying to clip him,” Albert poured everyone another round, “We go to the mattresses, and I mean by the end of the day. No one is safe.”

  Benny put his head in his hands frustrated, “I’ll tell my guys.”

  “Good. Until then Samuele is going to be with you everywhere until we’re at the safe house. Alonzo Junior will look after Carlos, and Salvatore will be with you Alonzo. No arguments,” Albert waved his hand before anyone could respond.

  “I’ll organize a location,” Carlos offered.

  “What’s going to happen to this place?” Alonzo asked.

  Albert put his glass down, “Fuck.”

  “If a mob that size shows up again, Donny and his crew won’t be stopping it. That’s for sure,” Benny said.

  “Let me think on this for a bit…no one go’s anywhere alone. You hear me?” Albert looked at his generals who all nodded.

  “I’ll sort the safe house out now,” Carlos said.

  “Get it done,” Albert nodded for them all to leave the office.

  The generals left closing the door leaving Albert alone to ponder his thoughts. For the first time he thought about Harold and everything the old man had taught him; he was gone forever now. He could never understand how Harold had been fooled by Chuck from the very beginning it was the old man’s idea to bring him up in the ranks, and eventually Chuck got to greedy.

  Then Frank and Mario had to add to the betrayal; two of his oldest and most respected generals. With the captain’s deaths came defection of some of the younger soldiers, they jumped ship to Chuck’s family for protection and fear of being killed. Sin and Samuele were the exceptions. Sin especially he had better principals than most his age. 

  Albert took his glasses off and wiped his tired eyes and thought for a moment on what he could do. He got out of his chair and opened the door, Sin and Mike stood up as he did.

  “Come in,” he returned to his chair.

  “What is it?” Sin asked.

  “Chuck has us desperate. Mike will stay with me at the safe house along with Alonzo, Benny, Carlos, and their crews,” Albert looked at Sin, “I want you, Alonzo Junior, and Salvatore to hit the streets and start cracking fucking heads in. I want information and I want all of Chuck’s top guys on ice.”

  “What about Samuele?” Sin asked.

  “Samuele will stay here and back up Donny. Peter will be here also.” 

   “We’re on it,” Sin said.

  “Send the captain’s back in. I will tell them all my decision.” 

  Donny sat at the front drinking a beer and keeping an eye on the massive car park, accompanied by two burly bouncers. Samuele came and sat alongside him smoking a cigarette.

  “Looks like I’m going to be bunking down here with you,” Samuele said.

  “Looks like it.”

  “Think we’ll get a lot of trouble?” Samuele asked.

  “I hope so. I want to teach some of these brats a lesson,” Donny said.

  Samuele had never seen Donny so agitated in all the time he had known the Irishman.

  Benny and Alonzo Senior entered the safe house first and once it was safe they called Albert and Carlos in. Mike and the other guys helped unload a carload of supplies for the men staying.

   The house was an average two story suburban home in a nice little suburb in Contro City. The house was one of the many safe houses the family had spread across the city. It drew little attention and had four bedrooms, and a lot of mattresses.

  The bosses all set up camp in each bedroom and the soldiers set up camp in the two living rooms. Mike put a mattress just outside Albert’s bedroom on the top level of the house. Albert chose the room with a good view of the street outside, and besides it had the ensuite.

  Two of Benny’s guys were sitting on the lounge chairs sipping beers and watching a movie whilst Alonzo’s crew played cards at the table.   

A/N: Everyone is split up now. 

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