"Oh! N-Nothing...You've just been...uh...e-edgy..." Silver gazed down at his shoes, making sure not to look you in the eye just in case you were angry with him. "Right. Well. Get me some chocolate cake and I'll be nice for as long as I can." Silver quickly nodded and ran out to the care just to return ten minutes later with your favorite movie and cake. 


   Red was panicking. While you were gone for the day, he was running around the house cleaning and cooking. He had even organized your closet by the season, with a little help from Trenderman. By the time you came home, the entire house smelled like lavender and cleaning supplies. You walked into the kitchen and found the entire counter covered in cupcakes, cakes, ice cream, brownies, cookies, and so on.

You looked over and on the dining room table was a small pile of 7-8 movies. You heard footsteps run down the hall and when you looked over your eyes had landed on an exhausted Red. "Did you do all of this for me?" You asked with a smile. "It was...nothing." He explained between pants of heavy breathing. You hugged him tight and guided him over to the couch. "How about I grab us some sweets you made and a movie, we'll relax together."

Dark Link

   Being him, he knew how scary a girl can get when she's on her period, so he decided to prepare for the worst.

While laying on the couch, watching random shows because you were too tired to even think of grabbing the remote, you heard the sound of someone clearing their throat erupt from the entrance of the living room. 

You looked up to find Dark in an all camo suit. He had a belt that held ammo, but instead was stashed with small capsules filled with a mix of candies. He even had a long piece of licorice tied around his forehead. With one hand on his hip and the other holding your favorite food, he marched over to you. "I think I came very well prepared." You giggled and nodded in agreement while sitting up and patting the spot next to you on the couch. "I think you just might have."

   Laughing Jack

   While you cried hysterically over Titanic, Jack was happily filling himself up with the candy that was meant for you. 

But of course, he had the strict "I bought it, my money, my food" policy going on, so when you reached for another sweet, the plate was empty. You looked over to Jack with pleading eyes and watched him swallow the last sweet. "I'll buy some more later!" He offered but you just sighed and stomped away to your room.


 (This one is short but oh well, there's like 13 or 14 other people in this chapter <3)

   Smiley had simply chased you the entire day when you were feeling your worst, asking to help you. Of course you were a little upset and scared, but you had to admit...it did cheer you up more than anyone else could.


    "LEAVE ME ALONE!" You screamed from inside the locked bathroom. You sat in the tub, playing on your phone while frantically texting your friends about Sonic. 

 "BITCH OPEN THE DOOR AND FACE LIFE LIKE A MAN!" Sonic pounded on the door. "I'LL FACE IT IN 5 TO 11 DAYS!" You shouted back before returning to your text. 

"oh ya hes totally cool :)))" 

Ticci Toby

   "I love you baby, if that's quite alright, oh pretty baby~" You rolled over and glared at the now singing Toby. "Toby." He looked over to you with an excited expression on his face. "Yes, my love?" "Shut up. You can't sing. BUT! I'll take back the insult if you bring me food." 

Toby walked out your bedroom door with a glum look on his face. "Okay..."

The Rake

   You were freaking out, you constantly looked back at the text message that was intended to be sent to your friend but you had sent it to Rake instead. You reread the embarrassing message of you pleading your friend to bring movies, candy and your 'feminine products.' You were apologizing over and over to Rake but he never responded. 

Just as you were about to call him you heard a knock on your door. You opened it and your eyes widened at the sight of Rake holding your favorite movie, a box of chocolates, and not to mention the 'other stuff.' He hadn't even questioned it. You automatically clung to him and told him what a perfect boyfriend he was right before leading him to the couch to watch a movie with you.

Homicidal Liu

   "Are you okay baby? Can you shut up now?" You groaned loudly while Liu and Sully took turns speaking. "Can I get you something? Can I go now?" You automatically sat up.

"I'll be fine if you bring me a cup of water so I can shut up and sleep while you leave me alone. Deal?" "Deal." Sully and Liu agreed at the same time. You let out another groan as they quickly left the room to finish their end end of the deal. "Thank god..." You mumbled before throwing yourself back down on the bed.


Here is my second apology for the long wait on the At the Wedding scenario! I hope you enjoy it!

~Even monsters can love~

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