No Rest for the Wicked

Start from the beginning

"Okay, fine. She's a liar. She's still got that knife,"

"Dean," Bobby started

"For all we know," I said "she works for Lilith,"

"Then give me another option." Sam argued "I mean, tell me what else,"

"Sam's right," Bobby inputted

"NO! DAMN IT!" Dean shouted causing Bobby to look at him surprised "Just no." he said calmer "We are not gonna make the same mistakes all over agian. You guys wanna save me, find something else," I looked at Bobby and Sam, and walked over to Dean as he sat back down.

"Where are you going, Bobby?" I looked up at Sam's question to notice Bobby had grabbed his jacket.

"I guess to..." he threw out his arms "find something else," Sam walked off and Dean sighed.

"They'll come around Dean," I told him as I rubbed his shoulders.

Dean only stood up "No...he won't,"


Sam was on his knees and had drawn a triangle on the floor with symbols in every point and put candles outside every pint. In the middle was a circle with a bowl of a green, dry substance in it. It is obvious that he was ignoring Dean's decision to not summon Ruby. "Ad construgendum ad ligandum eos pariter Et solvendum. Et ad congregantum eos coram me,"

He took up a box of matches struck one. He watched the flame for a beat and then threw the match into the bowl. The content ignited and fire flared up and then it calmed down and burned out. Sam got up off the floor and slowly turned to look behind him as the floor creaked. There was nothing there. "You know, phones work too," Ruby told him. Sam turned back and saw Ruby leaning against the doorway. She smiled at him "Hey, Sam. How's tricks?"

Sam didn't look happy to see her, instead he looked angry "How do you get around so fast?" Sam asked

"I got the Super Bowl jet pack." She began to walk towards him "So. You called?"

"Did you know?"

"Um-gonna need a tiny bit more,"

"About Dean's deal. That Lilith held the contract,"

"Yes, I did,"

"And...what? You didn't think that was important?"

"You weren't ready,"

"For what?"

"If I told you, you three yahoos would have just charged after her half-cocked and Lilith would have peeled the meat from your pretty, pretty faces,"

"Well, we're ready now. I want your knife,"

Ruby looked at him for a beat and then began walking around him, slowly. "You're right about one thing. You are ready. And now's the time, too. Lilith's guard's donw,"

"Is that so?"

"She's on shore-leave. A little R&R,"

"The hell's that mean?"

"Trust me, you don't wanna know. You didn't lose those hex bags I gave you?"

"We've got 'em,"

"Good. Then she won't sense that you're coming,"

Sam turned around and looked at her as she's gotten behind his back while walking around him. "So you'll give us the knife?"


"But you just said-"

"You wanna charge in with one little pigsticker? It's a waste of a true-blue window. Like getting Hitler with that exploding briefcase. Forget it,"

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