Great Minds break Alike

Start from the beginning

Giving a sigh brang down his spirits but he still smiled, "Well, I didn't get a no. He just freaked out and tried to give me therapy." I chuckle near the end, Yuu's expression changed, to more of a look of shock and dead-eyed. "Y-Yuu?" I raise an eyebrow and he shakes his head to snap himself out of it.

He smiles again, putting his hands together, "So, did you find a place to stay?" He asks in his regular nice tone. Quickly I remember my previous idea, "Uh yeah I did, 2-1-3 looked the best," After a short ahem from me I say, "But with Tord being absolutely crazy I don't want to be alone."

Distantly Mee said, "Giggidty." With a plain expression and wiggling his eyebrows as he lay still in ropes on the table. "Says the bondage-boy." Paul says as he lights a cig and sits by Mee on the bench. The blonde double grumbles and looks off to the side instead of talking about his emotions. Relatable.

After a short chuckle from Yuu he looked back to me, "Sure, I shall join you later." He turned around and walked over to a chair where he was obviously drinking a coffee, "On second thought I'll hang out here too." I try to excuse but I see Matt slowly shaking his head at me with a look that just read, 'stop trying.'

When I walk in after Mee speaks up again, "Wait!" he squirms like a caterpillar and falls off the table, when he comes back up he was out of the ropes, "That choker has too much detail to not be important, give it to me!" he jumped on and over a table to get to me.

"Too much detail?- no wait, what?" I stare up at him as he watches the gift from Tord intensely, "How would you know?"

Patryk used his hand to swipe away the smoke after saying, "He's got the brains of a spastic, over emotional PTSD soldier."

The MCR fan turned around and shouted, "Don't lay your insecurities on me, dipshit!" He pointed accusingly, Pat rolled his eyes and drank more coffee. Mee looks back at... Me? And continues in a calmer tone, "That choker is to thick, noticeable, fuck me sideways if I'm wrong when I say I've never seen it before and lastly I'm a fandom kid; I know when shit's about to fly."

Late due Jordan said, "This is late but... Profanity." He sounded slightly worried before continuing to blowtorch something. Once again, he looked at me, "Did Tord give it to you?" He raised an eyebrow.

Starting to see his point I tense up, "Yeah" I take it off and pass it to him. He turns back and walks up the table and down again, he put it near Patryk who leaned back before shutting his eyes and coming back to function with bright yellow eyes. The choker's stone part exploded and broke into little screws and weird coloured liquid before Mee dropped it, "Welp, I was right again...Obviously."

Who we call 'Zaptryk' looks to Paul who is just next to him and says brightly, "Paul!"



After a few hours of laughing, chatting and Tom trying to get drunk again we all headed home in our set pairs; Edd and Matt, Tom with Yuu, Jordan went with Dame obviously while Paul and Pat are asleep across from each other on the tables, holding each other's hands.

Call it selfish but I kinda miss being a part of Yuu just because of the thought of someone always being there was comforting... Even if they are a sociopath who worships Satan. So in a fandomistic view I'll be the first to die because I have no real life ships.

Oh well, death is just a side-effect of life, right Yuu? Oh... Right.

Guess, I'll die while being useful; I pick up the perfectly adjusted mask with just the circle over it. The highschool joke of 'knots and crosses' always made at us. I put it half on, one side of my tired face showing while the side I feel my eye tearing up in is covered. Then I take my weak pistol with 'YUU' written over it because he's the world's favourite identity while 'Mee' is the half-assed nickname.

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