Never Trust a VR

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This chapter will make more sense if you read 'Damien and Jordame explained' in the WTWAY JUNK AND MESS.


Getting over being away from my one true love- Gameboy, I'm now having to be... Productive. So I've started going through Kevin's stuff; he always made and horded stuff so if we were gonna find anything it'd be in here. "Got anything, Dame?" I ask, turning to see Damien sitting on the top shelf with a stick, pulling or pushing things off the shelf, his goggles resting on top of his head. "It's coming along!" He shouts as the whole shelf rattles.

As soon as it calms down I start laughing, classic Dame; always knowing how to make me laugh. I turn back to the shelf, moving an empty cardboard box out of the way and finding a labled box, packaging and item inside; curiosity increased by fifty percent.

"Alternate ending visors?" I squint, reading aloud to hear how dumb it sounds. The rattling behind me went silent, I take it Damien was actually listening. "Ha! Hey Dame, listen to this 'see your life in another reality in order!' 'past, present and future' How dumb does that sound?" I turn to Damien who didn't seem as humoured "Ha yeah... Kevin sucks."

"Ha! Yeah, let's see 'my future'" I follow up with some ghosty 'ooo' sounds before placing them on. They feel like an oculus rift. The screen in front of me shows 'Jordan Vorquez, would you like to see your, past, present, or future?' Woah, guess this may work.

"I wanna see my future" I say, in a jolly tone just to mock it. A little loading symbol showed up, I wait patiently. "Okie Dokie". I feel two hands go on my shoulders, probably Damien.

"W-what do you see?" He asks before shaking me slightly.

"Nothing... It's just blank," I say, darting my eyes around the darkness "Hold on, maybe it's just- Nope, still nothing" I turn my head, trying to look around. Nothing, just black... Pft, that's hilarious. I take off the device, looking at the junk "See, Dame it's a load of... gar.. bage?" I stare at Damien who had started breaking down, tears streaming down his face; I've never seen him like this.

"D-dame, what's wrong?" I push his chin up so I could so his face... He's broken; jaw clenched as he was holding back from a full burst of tears. He looks like he's about to say something but starts shaking before, hugging me tightly and crying loudly. I figure this is one of his regular breakdowns, so I start petting his hair, trying to sooth him.

At that, the speaker went off 'Jordan Vorquez, please report to Red Leader outside. "Wow, that's ominous and... Very unspecific" I try to comment some humour for Dame, it didn't work. He started gripping my back, nails digging into my sweater and skin "O-ow, Dame let go!" I shove him off, wincing a lot.

Looking back to him I see his expression; wide eyed with tears still coming down. "Don't go" His hands tightened as he shook his head slightly and slowly. "Dame, Red Leader will quite literally kill me if I don't go." This didn't seem to help him, he stared at the ground while his pupils shook.

Carefully I go around him; he has breakdowns but they're usually different than this... I don't know what's wrong with him, no one does so we don't know how to help him. As I grab the door handle, something or someone else grabs my wrist. I glance to Damien who was gripping onto me tightly, he looked up to me since he was leaning over like a Zombie. "I love you" He tries to smile, failing and making it look crooked and broken.

Trying to make him feel better; I smile, holding the side of his face which he nuzzles and purrs into "I like you too, Damie" I bring back the cuter nickname I gave him pre-blackjacket. He smiles while calming down, which is the OK for me to go.

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