Cold Realization

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~TOM' P.O.V~

I walk out of the shower. The towel on my head still, I didn't have my hoodie on, but I did have my shirt on. I look over to see Tord sitting on one of the chairs, the wrong way obviously, he was leaning with his back against the arm of the chair and his legs dangling off the other arm.

Tord looked different, but also extremely similar. He had his red hoodie and old attire instead of something a classical war lord would wear. Another thing to note was, he didn't have is eye patch. Showing off a silver pupil. Clearly a blind eye.

"Tom!" He waved slightly. Smiling widely. I shrug, coming to sit on the chair of the opposite side. Something catches my eye. A plate of the most gorgeous breakfast I have ever seen. Scrambled eggs, toast, beans and bacon.

I fall to a sitting. Staring at it in awe. Tord giggled "Well go ahead, it's not fake". It may not be fake, but it could be poisoned. I still have to remember what he did and that he's me enemy- I'm already eating it.

It's not bad. I lied, it's amazing. Tord made an easing motion with his hands "Slow down, Tom" He was still smiling but had a look of concern as well.

"It's so good though!" I muffle between bites. Tord went flushed, his eyes widened a little "You really think so?" his hands lowering slowly. I stop to swallow the food in my mouth. "Yeah?" I raise an eyebrow. His blush increased. "Don't tell me.. You made this?!" My eyes widened.

The commie nodded, a little smile perking up on his lips. I look down at the delicious food, then back up at Tord. "Did you.. poison this?" I lean back a little. Getting wary. Tord looked even more excited. He shifted his head from side to side slightly. Implying no.

I took another bite of it subconsciously. Still watching the murderer who was a coffee table length away from me. He was fiddling with his fingers, still blushing and watching me back.

I finish quicker than I would of liked. Tord smiled more, it's quite for a moment before Tord looked like he had a light bulb moment. "Oh yeah, I got you something too" He smiled toothily.

He used his knees to prop himself so he could reach over the back of the chair easier. He then stops and turns around "Oh wait, close your eyes, I want to surprise you!" He instructed. I hesitatntly close my eyes. When he turns back around I open an eye.

As soon as he started shifting back around I clamp my eyes shut. I suddenly feel nervous, I hear more shifting. "Ok, now hold your hands out" He sounded closer. I hesitate, I face the other way and hold my hands out, palms facing the ceiling.

Something was put into my hands. As Norski took his hands away they brushed against mine briefly. I wait for any further instructions. "Now, open your eyes!" Tord squealed at the end like a fan girl. I open one of my eyes. It's a guitar, I open my other eye. Now looking at it properly. "Susan?" I feel over the bandages from all the years of being damaged.

"Yup!" Tord was leaning close to me and bent over the table. I chuckle, leaning back. Playing with the strings, beginning to tune my most prized possession. Tord kept smiling widely. I think for a moment, "You want me to play something?" I raise an eyebrow.

Tord nods slowly. I lean back so that Tord wasn't so close to my face. "Ha, alright" I tune Susan a bit more before sitting up properly. I land a single strum to check it was alright.

I begin to play riptide by vance joy. It was the most fun to play and just pleasing to play. Tord slouches back into his chair, into that same uncomfy looking position. I keep playing, as my fingers hold and flick the memorised keys I glance to Tord, he was swaying his foot to the beat and looking very amused and peaceful.

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