I Hate him

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Currently I'm in that situation where you're half asleep but also very awake. I rub my eyelids, my mind tries recollect what happened before I slept. When my mind and senses wake up I feel two arms around me. Oh god, my last memory revolves around drinking with Tord. Now I'm in the same bed as him. "Holy bumble bee's in a basket case" I screech and fall out of the bed, the sheet curled around my leg.

Tord shot up, his eyes closed. He rubbed his eyes with his normal hand then looked at me on the floor "T-tom, are you alright?" He yawned a bit. I stumble up, my legs still haven't woken up properly. "What.. What did you do?!" I point at him. He looked up at me confused. "Pardon?" He's acting like he doesn't know what I'm talking about.

"What, why the hell were we in bed?!" I know I'm red as hell right now. The communist leans on his hand "You wanted to go to bed?" I tilted his head. My heart froze, me? Oh god, I was drunk as hell "I want you to know that it was the drink, not me!" I snatch my hoodie from the end of my new bed.

"I know" He giggled a little.

I babbled a few incoherent things before I spoke clearly "And you just went with it?!"

He looked to the side, squinting with the same confused look "Yeah, why wouldn't I be?"

I screech before breathing to calm down. Tord just watching the whole time, he was too damn tired for this. "Ok, just tell me what I did now... So I have the rest of the day to get over it? Please?" My face was in my hands.

"Well, you had quite a few drinks" He started "Then you fell asleep". That was it? No, that can't be right. "No, I mean. In between that".

"You... smelt drunk? You were sleepy and saying a few dumb things" Larrson stood up, checking some things on his arm.

I blink, "I- Umm, what, that's it?"

"Yeah?" He dragged out the 'yeah' for a long time "You were sleepy, what would I of done?"

He knows what I mean, he reads hentai for hell's sake "You know, don't act like you don't know!" I point again.

Tord snickers a bit "Nope, no idea" His face went red and his gaze went to the side. He was trying not to laugh.

I shove him lightly as a joke "You know, stop fucking with me!"

He chuckles a little more, "I'm not yet". He mumbles a few seconds before bursting out laughing which happened to be the same amount of time for me to get the joke.

"Tord, oh my hell!" I shove him harder this time. He laughs hysterically as if it was the funniest thing he's heard in years "T-tom, you're so red!" he wheezes, holding his stomach.

"Oh, get out, I want to take a shower!"

"Aww, do I have to leave?" He feels my cheek.

I scream at him again "Tord, I said get out!"


I walk out of the shower about ten minutes earlier "Do you reckon I could-"open my eyes. Tord isn't here. That is weird, I glance over to the small coffee table. It had a note, I walk over and pick it up "Emergency meeting popped up, sorry I couldn't make you anything for breakfast, feel free to go to the kitchen and take whatever, love you" He drew a little heart at the end in red.

I dry off my hair and put my hoodie back on. Probably normal that he has emergency meetings over here. I step into the elevator, he left a note on the button. "Hit the ground with your heel once to go down". What even is the use for the button if it doesn't do anything?

I hit the ground with my heel and the elevator slid down. It was still dark outside. The sun rises around nine in the morning here. I suppose now is the best time to look around since communist wasn't around, most of the soldiers would be busy or sleeping so no one was around to bug me.

The first place I went to search was the cafeteria which was dead empty. I went to the back of the room where the kitchen was. Might as well get breakfast while I'm here.

One of the cupboards contained some regular cereal. Since I was hungover and lazy I just decided to go with that. Being outside with a bunch of soldiers with uniforms while I'm in a hoodie seemed attention drawing, so I just sat on the kitchen floor.

I heard the door creak open. I wasn't all that scared, a little startled. It was Paul, he just walked in calmly. "Paul?" I ask, squinting. He looks in my direction, not very surprised or any emotion "Thomas? Why are you down here?"

"Eh, Larson had work to do and told me to come here for breakfast" I explain, eating some more cereal. "I see" He replied, looking around I get curious to why he's in here.

"So why are you in here?"

"Just looking for some milk. Ours was expired" He doesn't turn to speak to me.

I swivel out of the way from a metal-sliding door draw. I open and show off the milk I used for my own cereal. "Go ahead".

I pass it to him "Thanks" He says apathetically. I continue eating on the floor. Paul spoke again "This is completely random but it passed my mind recently" He starts, then looks directly at me. I make a small noise to signify I was listening. "Are you at all getting attached to Tord?"

I choke on the cereal I previously consumed. I cough a bit, he just watches it like it's nothing. "Are you kidding me?!" He blinks with no soul as a response.

After a few seconds of glaring I try and build off it "I mean, sure I don't the him as much" I previously put my bowl down by me so I could cross my arms. I look off to the side. "Oh?" Paul responds. I shudder in disgust "I still hate him though. Not as much. But definitely still hate him".

Paul stared at me for longer "Is that why you're-?" He cut himself off. I look over, "I'm what". He snickers behind his hand "Is that why you're blushing?"

God damnit. Why am I the only person who is not aware about their blush?! "It's hot in here" I sink into my hood and eat my cereal again. "Right sure" He chuckles a bit before walking out. He did not buy it, obviously. That's no surprise, it's always cold over here.

That was embarrassing as hell. My face all flushed, now I know. Why does he suddenly care? Gross. Tord is gross, this army is gross, Tord liking me is gross and Tord is especially gross.


Sorry this is short, I have writers block atm.

So suspect delays. Not to mention I have scripts due for my friend's skit.

Also animations are needed soon.

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