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Paul kicked open the door to the invention room, "Hey, gay-wads we're back" He greets before walking in, I jump out of Matt's arms and into the room "Hi!"

Both and Jordan and Damien spun around from building something it seemed. "Hey, Edd!" Jordan waved, smiling brightly. "Where did you get that pitchfork... Why does it also look like it's haircut is a brown paper bag?" Damien tilted his head, confused. I turn around to Thomas who was glaring angrily. Me and Matt both snicker at how sadly accurate that is.

"So what'd we miss?" Jordan asks while slightly turning back to the desk Damien was working on. We all walk in. Paul decides to explain "Well the sky seems to have some incurable disease going on".

Damien gave a small gasp of amazement "Woah... I want an incurable disease..." We all stare at him for a moment.

"Yes, I will call him Stan and we will have good memories with each other" He continues. I'm sure he's not being serious.

"Anyway... This is Tom I'm guessing" Jordan puts us on track again. We look to Tom who was flicking one of the barb wires which were held in a plastic cup. "Oh yeah!" In that moment, I jump in between the two groups "Tom, this is Jordan. Jordan, this is Tom". I use hand gestures to refer to each person.

"Oh and, this is Damien!" I almost forgot Damien for some reason.

Tom stared sceptically, almost glaring at Damien who kept smiling, slowly poking his tongue out. "So are you two like.." Tom paused, switching his gaze between Jordan and Damien. Oh geez, I know what he's referencing but for whatever reason they don't.

Tom looked to Matt for help, he shrugs while wincing. Tom used hand motions to try and explain what he meant such as putting to fingers together, making a square shape with his hands around them. They just blink along... Well at least Jordan did.

"You seriously don't know what I mean?" Tom gave up, letting his arms drop. Jordan shrugs, still looking confused. Awh, so innocent!

Damien laughs a bit "Of course I know what you meant, it's just funny seeing you look like a fucking idiot". Paul let off a single laugh before returning to apathy. Tom glared for a few seconds, giving up on the question.

Damien spins in his chair, grinning again "So are you Tord's fucktoy or is there some actual romance in there?".

Matt screams at the sudden mood change. Jordan's eye twitched as he turned red and Paul started laughing his ass off. I felt my own face drain of colour. Tom turned bright red, his eyes wide with a mix of anger and shock "Damien!" Jordan shouts.

"What?" He sounded like a whiny child but then goes back to a normal tone to continue. "If he asks if we're banging I have the right to ask the same for him". He sounded so proper and serious.

Jordan got more red, putting his hands up defensively before whispering "That was the question?"

Damien gave a thumbs up while smiling brightly. Jordan face-plant's softly into the back of Damien's chair which stopped spinning just before. "Man, I can't believe Jordan is dead" Paul said, putting a lot of emphasis on 'dead'. Damien shot what seemed like a glare with the same overly happy grin at Paul.

"We aren't dating, we never will! Or if we do. It is only because the bastard makes me!" Tom ranted before shoving his hands into his hoodie pockets, his look changed slightly "Well, he was nicer I guess, but that's because he's a fuckin' psychopath!". Everyone except Jordan who was dead looked extremely unconvinced, even I glare at him suspiciously. Tom looked at each of us with wide eyes before tugging on his hoodie strings, pulling his hood over his head "Shut up!"

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