I kept thinking back to the phone call. How is it that he knew I was in Indiana and that I had a hot make out session with Alyssa last night, but he couldn't figure out that I came here to bail her out of jail last night? I smiled as I remembered getting a call last night from Alyssa. I almost didn't answer since I didn't recognize the number, but now I know it's a good thing I did answer. Alyssa in jail...

I think she was half expecting me to blow up on her and tell her that she did a stupid thing, but in all honesty, I was in no place to tell her that she screwed up by ending up in jail. That would make me a hypocrite. I honestly just found the situation laughable and sort of unbelievable. I didn't even fully believe her at first, and I'm pretty sure that was why I laughed so hard. I thought it was funny how she called me to tell me some far-fetched lie. However, when I heard how pissed she seemed when she asked me why I was laughing, I just wanted to laugh harder because then I knew for a fact that she was not kidding and it was hilarious to think that someone as pure and innocent as Alyssa could actually wind up in jail.

Then that hot make out session we had later that night...

I honestly felt like I was with some badass girl that I could easily pick up from some bar just because of the fact that I just got her from jail to then be stumbling into her room at some early ass hour in the morning sucking face with her. I remember her request last night, too. Shit, I think that statement even ended up somewhere in my dream last night, as well.

"Sleep with me." She was practically begging me to, but I couldn't. Good fucking thing I didn't since we were being watched last night.

But still, the request caught me completely by surprise. I didn't even know what to say at first, so I just shook my head. Luckily she was kissing me at the time, anyways, so I didn't have to talk. Just the way that she said it and the want in her voice was enough to make me hard. Not only that, but then she decided she was going to move her lips to my neck and roll her hips against mine. Part of my brain was screaming at me to take her up on her offer and tear her clothes off before fucking her senseless, but the more logical and smarter side of me reminded me that I was already taking a chance with making out with her, and sleeping with her was pretty much asking for some death sentence. I still wanted to, but with both of our stupid jobs, I knew we couldn't and I'm sure she knew it, too, she just didn't want to act upon it. I didn't even care about the fact that I would lose my job as the photographer if anybody found out about it, I was just worried about the other people who hired me to watch over Alyssa. I would end up in jail, and with the way things are going with Alyssa and Corbin, I didn't want to know what would happen.

Sure, they would probably hire someone else to take over for me, but I wanted to be the one to protect her and save her. Not some other guy that she probably won't be as close to. What if I would happen to get caught one day, though? I would end up in jail, and Alyssa would have no idea where I disappeared to. I highly doubt that they would actually allow me a formal goodbye to tell her everything. She would probably be pissed at me...

I shook my head. Who cares if she would be pissed at me, right? So what? I shouldn't care about that, because no matter what, I am never going to see Alyssa again after these next few months are up. Even if I do manage to keep her safe by the time that this photo shoot is done, it won't matter because I'll be forced to stay away from her. I'll have to stay in LA, while she moves away; whether it's to another state to try and find more modeling options, or if she moves back to Indiana, I'm never seeing her again.

So I should just stop caring what Alyssa thinks and I should just stop thinking about her lips and how much I am starting to care for her. It doesn't matter, and I am Niall Horan, not some guy that would ever actually be able to fall in love one day and marry a girl and then settle down with each other as we watch our kids play in our front yard. I'll never have a story like that, so trying to spend all of my time with only one girl is a stupid move because I can't do that and that's just not the kind of person I am nor could ever be. I am a womanizer and a walking one night stand and it's time I keep that imprinted into my skull before I end up getting my hopes up and trying to chase after a girl that will never be mine.

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